My Evil System

Chapter 193 Hmm . . . The Journey . . .

Like planned, when the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, I found myself traveling on the back of minion 0 through a serene and peaceful landscape.

The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the sweet scent of dewy grass and blooming wildflowers. The sky was a soft shade of pink and orange, gradually lightening to reveal a breathtaking view of the rolling hills and large farmlands that stretched out before me.

I wanted to leave as soon as possible because I suck at goodbyes. Of course, I didn\'t forget to say goodbye to Amara and Athena and gave instructions to Jin and Thomas.

After giving Jin the [Poisoner\'s Kit] that I bought in the Evil System Shop and while upgrading everyone\'s equipment so they could defend themselves, I set out on my mission.

Thomas stayed behind to protect everyone, as well as little Piggy, so I wasn\'t that worried. After all, with the Apocalypse threat, no one would set out this far south.

At least the Volmont would wait for the Apocalypse to pass before seriously going after us.

And those Bugbear brothers that they hired, or any group for that matter, they would be cautious about their destination time too because of the threat of the Apocalypse or risk being caught in between the Apocalypse and in enemy\'s territory.

I also hadn\'t even heard a single thing about Yuko. I wondered what she was doing. The last time I asked her about her situation, she only said that she was enjoying being free for once.

Whatever that means.

But she did promise to take care of Honoka Village if she got bored.

I told her to enjoy herself as long as she wanted.

Honestly, I still have reservations about destroying towns for blueprints, but . . . this place was the survival of the fittest and . . . I wanted to make Amara\'s life and the others\' comfortable and safe. That\'s what I promised them.

I need to man up and take responsibility now.

Thinking of Amara made me chuckle, daydreaming of last night.

<Looked like Host is very motivated>

Apparently, being in love could make you motivated. I laughed with a silly grin on my face.

<Then that meant Host is ready for what\'s to come?>

". . ." My smile disappeared. You really know how to deflate the mood.

<If Host isn\'t ready, you can always activate Evil Heart . . . >

NO! I said to it in my mind.

The moment I grabbed Amara\'s hand that day, I knew what would happen, and I would protect her no matter what . . . no matter if I destroyed an entire kingdom to do so.

<Ohohoho. Looks like your other self-thought of that when he rescued her in the first place. So this is what he meant by exploiting weaknesses~>

I knew what I got myself and the others into. I wouldn\'t just sit and mope around if it came to this. I started this . . . and I would see it through the end.

<Host, is so in love! And ready to die for love! If the System knew about this in the first place, I should have forced you to fall in love with all the women here>

Instead of being annoyed like I always felt towards it, I stifled a laugh.

It\'s not just falling in love with any woman. I have loved Amara long before.

And love really could make you do anything.

<A hopeless romantic, I see. It looks like getting off your frustration is a good thing, huh? Keekeekee. So is she Host\'s first love, then?>

". . ." I went silent, and a certain woman\'s image appeared in my mind before I shook my head and removed her from my thoughts.

<Or is it Soarsie? Your girlfriend from before who left you in the jaws of minion 0>

". . ." at the mention of Soarsie, I couldn\'t help but think of what had happened to her.

I no longer felt any pain upon remembering her, so maybe I moved on. I only hoped that she was fine despite everything else.

<Of course, Host, move on! You have four beautiful women at your beck and call, after all! Compared to them, your ex-girlfriend is so plain!"

I only have Amara. I corrected it.

It was not that I disliked Megu, Florin, and Dementia, but they were my other self\'s women. Though we shared one body, I felt like we were very different and not the same person.

<Speaking of which, are you going to visit Dementia?>

No. I didn\'t feel the need to do that right now.

Let\'s just hurry onwards to Bluebell Town. I heard that it\'s a very large town, so I was sure I could find a lot of races in there to recruit.

<It\'s also one of the towns that the Host should destroy and get those Blueprints.>

I sighed and closed my eyes tight.

Destruction doesn\'t necessarily mean destroying everything. Maybe . . . I could destroy it from the inside or some sort . . .

I shook my head. No.

Right now . . . my priority was getting those races and preparing for war. Those Blueprints could wait.

As I rode through the wilderness, I heard the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft crunch of twigs underfoot. The only other sounds were the occasional chirping of birds and the rhythmic breathing of Minion 0 beneath me.

The tranquillity of the early morning hours made me feel as though I were the only living being in the world, surrounded by nothing but nature and the peacefulness of the moment.

Minion 0 was running at a fast phase, but the splashing of wind against my skin made me feel at ease.

It would have been easier if the Teleportation Gate in Castle Rock town was repaired. But since it just suffered from an attack, I guess it would take time for the inhabitants to repair it atop the many things that they should be working on.

At the rate of Minion 0 was going, I would arrive in Bluebell Town around three days if we rested only for a few hours.

Come to think of it . . . the road reminded me at the time where I meet that Lady . . . that High Septon woman. I thought all of a sudden when we passed the rundown farm hours passed Shadow Forest.

I did ask about it from Athena, and she said that there was indeed a woman who had come by before, introducing herself as a High Septon.

She asked about the previous Euclid Village, and Athena answered with the same excuse I always said.

"A god rampage in this village, and my Lord happened to stumble upon Tokens when players died. He then decided to build this village when the God left."

And since I wasn\'t at home at that time, the Septon left, and she said about coming back again to speak to me.

Athena noted that she was in a hurry after receiving a [Magical Raven]. She left without inquiring further.

I didn\'t know if the Septon was suspicious, but I was glad that she backed out . . . for now.

Anyway, once our village became a town, I was sure that the inhabitants and players alike would be suspicious as well. And they would start to question about my tokens and my identity.

Before that happened, I had to establish my territory and fortify its defenses, so I had the means to protect myself and the others.

Though I always said that I would live my days in peace, war seemed to be inevitable.

Even if I did live out somewhere with a simple life, players and inhabitants would still reach me, and if that happened, trouble would surely soon followed.

Unfortunately, that\'s how this world operated, and I couldn\'t escape it, so best prepared for it.

<That\'s the spirit, Host! You\'re becoming like your other self now!>

". . ." I don\'t want to think about him at this moment.

As I continued on my journey, I eventually came across the weathered farmland. The fields were vast and stretched out as far as the eye could see, bordered by rickety wooden fences and rows of tall, swaying dead crops. The land itself looked tired and worn, as though it had been working hard for many years.

As I passed by, I saw the remnants of old farmhouses and barns scattered across the property, their weathered walls and roofs hinting at a long history of use. The air around was heavy with the scent of freshly turned soil, mixed with the smell of manure and hay.

Despite its obvious signs of wear and tear, there was a certain beauty to the farmland. The sight of the weathered crops swaying in the breeze and the gentle creaking of the old fences had a certain charm to it, a reminder of the hard work and dedication that goes into farming.

Though this place has long been abandoned.

As I rode past the farmland and continued on forward, I asked about the System for any skills or spells available in the System Shop.

I couldn\'t just have these \'Evil\' spells and skills. Any simple spell like wind or water would do as long as I could hit my target with it.

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