His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 202 - You Can Come Over

Throughout the ride back home, Diana could not stop smiling; she refreshed her whatsapp page severally just to check if he was online. Although she wasn\'t sure if she would be chat him up, seeing him online made her feel like he was a bit close to her. Finally at night, he came online, Diana felt her heart leap out of her chest as she stared at his name expectantly, waiting for his text. But the longer she stared, the less hopeful she became.

Throughout the day, she kept on looking at her phone but he did not chat her up; and then the next day and till Wednesday. Diana was sad, she wanted to put all pride aside and call but she felt she might seem too forward;

Maybe she should just wait till Thursday and then ask him if he was still going for the event. Later in the evening, she dipped in her Jacuzzi hot tub, trying to keep her thoughts off him. They ended on a good note, he should just send a \'hi\', it wasn\'t going to kill. Diana bemoaned;

 Or maybe he didn\'t know she was on whatsapp, should she post a status update? He saved her number right? So he would see it.

Excitedly, she picked her phone from her side and took a selfie; the shot stopped right above her cleavage, just the swell of her breasts was seen. The water was hot so it made her skin flush and her face cuter than normal. Diana grinned at herself as she forwarded the picture to her status, adding a caption;

\'A hot dip for a chilly weather, how do I look?\' 

She waited a few minutes before she checked her views, over a hundred people had viewed already, and her phone was vibrating with messages but the person she was waiting for had not viewed it. Diana had not felt so frustrated in her entire life;

Her eyes read one of the messages popping up on her screen and she frowned with disdain;

\'the heck! I didn\'t post it for you!\' she bashed the man in her heart, flinging her phone to the side, a sigh leaving her lips.

If he could see the frustration she was going through at that moment; maybe he really did not care, it was all in her head.

Diana pouted, her eyes closing. Besides she said no strings attached, so he was not thinking of her that way.

But wait… why was she even bothered about it?

Diana\'s eyes shot open. Did she want something more with him?

Her hands flew to her cheeks,

If Michael wanted to sleep with her would she be able to tell him no? Diana\'s heart raced as she realized she was falling for this man already; \'No,\' she shook her head; she wasn\'t ready to fall for another person just yet, someone who she was not sure felt the same way about her.

She nodded to herself and breathed in swiftly, immersing into the water and blocking her thoughts from him.

Michael sat with two friends; the noise in the party was too loud he could not even hear a word they were saying, except they screamed. There were girls with them but Michael was alone.

\'\'Hey, you have to keep that phone aside, man. We came to party, work can wait. \'\'

One of his friends shouted, but Michael\'s interest was fixed on his phone, he didn\'t even blink.

Noticing that his gaze was fixated on something, Matthew leaned closer and peeked at his phone;

\'\'Wow, bro, didn\'t know you were also crushing on Diana. Ha ha; \'\'

Matthew laughed, nudging Michael who quickly shut his screen and glared at him;

\'\'I\'m not crushing on her, \'\'

\'\'Clearly you are, been calling you since but you were staring so fixatedly at her picture. She\'s not so out of your league though, you can try your luck.\'\' Mathew laughed but Michael just glared at him;

Japheth had a woman on his laps but when he heard Matt mention Michael crushing on someone, he turned to him; \'\'really, like for real?\'\' His eyes widened as he shouted in the room; Michael mentally rolled his eyes, he should have stayed home like he wanted to, these friends of his were something!

\'\'She\'s pretty, \'\'

\'\'Ho ha ha… \'\' His friends laughed \'\'Michael, you never change though, I knew you just wanted to sleep with her, Diana\'s hot, but celebrities these days date themselves.\'\'

Michael didn\'t reply; he needed time to think of what he wanted with her, right now the only thing he was sure of was being around her again.

\'\'You guys come back later, something came up. \'\' Michael smiled; standing up from the chair and dropping one of his credit cards, \'\'Bills on me.\'\'

His friends, who already opened their mouths to speak, shut it up as soon as he dropped his card. They were wealthy sons of politicians who just lavished their parents\' wealth on parties and women.

Michael walked up his stairs, his hands typing on his phone; he didn\'t want to stay in the party anymore, this night, he was just not in the mood.

He had been staring at her picture in the party, he didn\'t know why, but anytime he looked at her, she seemed prettier. He typed a reply as he went up to his room;

\'Stunning… your eyes seem bigger, did you use a filter? 

No, deleting it, he typed again;

\'Is this what you do to keep that flawless skin?\'

No, no, 

\'wow, you should have asked me to come soak with you\'

Michael groaned, tossing his phone on the bed, and taking off his clothes. This was the first time he was this confused about how to reply to a woman.

Suddenly his phone buzzed on the bed and he picked it up, his eyes bulged out of its sockets when he saw the message on his screen;

He had unknowingly sent his last message and Diana had replied;

\'\'haha, such a tease, don\'t worry I\'ll invite you over next time. \'\'

Michael felt like fainting; he fell down on the bed, his hand clutching his hair;

What did he just do?!

He laughed at himself as he stared at the message she just sent. Quite alright, she took it to be a joke but the last thing he wanted was for her to think that he just wanted to take advantage of her.

How would his first sentence to her be so flirty, shit!

Michael groaned, thinking of what to type back.

Diana was eating noodles when her phone vibrated. She had waited the longest time for his text and she had lost all hope so she didn\'t even bother to check who it was, but after some seconds, she found herself picking up her phone again, unable to hold her curiosity.

She didn\'t expect it to be him, but right before her very eyes was his message! She leapt in surprise and the smile that stretched her lips reached her ears as her cheeks flushed red;

\'wow, you should have asked me to come soak with you\'

.She read his message over and over again, her head imagining a thousand thoughts; he was being flirty but she knew he was just joking; she was so happy he had texted back. She quickly sent him a reply and waited patiently for his answer. \'\'haha, such a tease, don\'t worry I\'ll invite you over next time. \'\'

After about a minute, he replied;

\'\'Haha, I\'ll be looking forward to that; how are you? \'\'

Diana blushed; God, how would a mere text make her blush so much, was it because she was reading it with his voice in her head and imagining him staring at her with those smolderingly piercing eyes?

\'\'I\'m good and you, how was work today?\'\'

\'\'It went well, just a little stressful. What color of dress are you wearing on Friday?\'\'

A smile stretched Diana\'s lips when she saw his reply, she was actually looking for how she would tell him about it, she was happy he brought it up himself;

\'\'Red… with a touch of black; \'\'

\'\'Okay, so you send me your address, I\'ll come pick you up, the Hollywood film Awards right? \'\'

\'\'Yeah, thanks for going with me; \'\'

\'\'No worries, it\'s better than sleeping at home doing nothing.\'\'

\'\'Your profile pic is a dog, is it your dog? \'\' Diana asked; the dog in his profile was golden and huge, she loved dogs but hers just died recently, she was yet to get another.

\'\'yeah, it\'s mine, his name is Caesar, do you love dogs? \'\'

\'\'Yeah, I love dogs, mine just died, I still miss her. Gush, your dog is so huge, and he has a lot of furs, I feel like running my hands through them!\'\' Diana didn\'t realize they had started talking as though they\'ve known themselves for a very long time.

\'\'So sorry about that, you can come over whenever you like, I\'m sure Caesar would want a friend. \'\'

Diana\'s eyes shot open instantly; \'\'did… did he just ask her to come over?\'\'

Her hands trembled lightly as she held her phone; she didn\'t think he\'ll ask her to come over this soon.

Hmm… they were progressing!

\'\'Wow, I would love to, maybe anytime I\'m free. \'\'

She rolled on her bed, a blush not leaving her cheeks. She liked how he spoke to her, replying her every word quickly like he actually cared about her opinion. With Greg, she would wait hours before he would even reply her text.

It was good to have such a friend, even if they would not have something more, talking like this with him, made her glad. 

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