The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 80 - Fast

She didn\'t have many happy memories on Christmas Eve at home with her parents. They always fought over the lack of presents or some family drama.

Something always made them unhappy. Usually, it was her. She was glad to be with someone who didn\'t place all the blame on her.

"Me too. And it\'s not just because of the sex," Elias added as he rubbed her arm. "It\'s just you. You\'ve made it so much better than usual."

Alyssa agreed with him, but it was because of him. He brought her so much joy and spirit that she would\'ve never gotten from anywhere else.

She was grateful to have met someone with such a glow to them. Most people didn\'t have that. They let negativity rule them, and she was guilty of that.

Before him, she had a lot of negativity in her heart and mind. She always felt alone and scared.

It was hard for her to find a silver lining, the encouragement to go on and try again. Now, she didn\'t have that problem. She always wanted to forge on. She admired that about herself.

"Next year is going to be even better," she pointed out. They would actually do some planning, decorating, and baking.

It would be a fun time, and she hoped that they were as happy or happier together a year from now. She wished that she could look into the future, but she wouldn\'t mind a happy surprise.

"I don\'t want to leave you tomorrow," Elias told her with a frown. "I wish I could stay."

Alyssa leaned her head against his. She was fine with sacrificing this Christmas if they could have so many more together.

She hoped that they would be a part of each other\'s lives for the rest of her years. When she thought about them, she didn\'t see something temporary. She saw a permanent connection. Hopefully, he saw the same.

"I know, but we\'ll have our Christmas together eventually," she assured him with a small smile. She didn\'t want him to be upset on the holidays, even if they were going to be apart.

She didn\'t even know what she was going to do tomorrow, but she was going to make it as enjoyable as possible.

Her optimism seemed to rub off on him because Elias smiled too and gave her a squeeze.

They fell back into silence as the movie droned on. Nothing else needed to be said. This moment was what they had, and all they wanted to do for the rest of the night was feel it.


Elias had to leave early Christmas morning, but that didn\'t stop them from waking up an hour earlier than he had to leave so that they could spend some time together.

Christmas music echoed throughout the apartment as laughter sounded from the kitchen. They couldn\'t have a Christmas dinner, but they could have a Christmas breakfast.

Elias pulled Alyssa close to him as they playfully danced together to Rockin\' Around the Christmas Tree. He stepped to the music, bursting into laughter when Alyssa stepped on his foot.

"You\'re being a terrible dance partner," he teased her as they tried to find a rhythm with each other.

"I only know how to club dance," Alyssa laughed out as she gripped his hand and his shoulder.

She matched his steps and his sway, soon falling into the correct rhythm with the song. "There we go!"

Elias smiled as their eyes met.

"Perfect," he complimented as they moved together. He gave her a twirl before bringing her back into place. "I think I\'ll keep you as my dance partner."

"Oh, I\'ve proven myself worthy?" Alyssa smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his hands settle on her hips as they just swayed.

Elias nodded as he winked at her teasingly.

"You haven\'t stepped on my foot again," he said.

Alyssa couldn\'t help but want to play around. She stepped on his foot lightly before darting around the island to get away from him.

Elias\' eyes widened at the retaliation. He followed her around the island, going in circles as she darted away.

"You really think I won\'t catch you?" Elias smirked.

Alyssa shrugged playfully as she mirrored his movements. When he started to round the corner, she tore her eyes from him and started to hurriedly rush around her corner.

To her shock, she slammed right into his body. She gazed up at him in confusion, wondering how he got there so fast.

Elias wrapped his arms around her and threw her over his shoulder, making a surprised gasp break from her.

"Told you I\'d catch you," he told her as he carried her to the fridge.

"How did you do that?" Alyssa asked as she shook her head in shock. She could\'ve sworn he had been on the opposite side of the island. She didn\'t even see him double back.

Elias gently set Alyssa down on the floor with a bold smile.

"I\'m fast, baby," he replied casually before opening the fridge. He reached inside and grabbed a carton of eggs and the rest of the package of bacon. He brought them over to the stove and started grabbing the pans he would need.

Alyssa eyed him for a few moments before letting it go. She wanted to help him cook. She walked up to his side and took over the eggs, while he cooked the bacon again.

"I\'m glad we at least have one class together next semester," she told them. They finally got their schedules secured for next semester.

Since they were getting deeper into their majors and primarily taking classes about their majors, it was harder to find a general course that they could take together.

She wasn\'t even sure if they could pull off having a class together next year, but she was sure that they would go out of their way to see each other. They already did even with the one class they had together.

"It\'s some sort of history class, right?" Elias asked her as the bacon sizzled.

Alyssa nodded. It was the only one they could find that lined up with both of their schedules.

Besides, the general courses didn\'t really matter much to her. She was just focused on making sure she took all the right classes for her major.

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