QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 324 After Dying I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 23

Chapter 324 After Dying I Woke Up In Ancient Times With My Pharmacy 23

He Yuan looked down at the man nestled in his arms and sighed in distress. During the process of supplementing 888\'s soul, he\'d repeatedly tried to take back Lu Wenduo\'s soul thread but nothing worked. It seemed 888 had to be the one to transfer it himself but sadly, the System didn\'t have his memories.

A minute later, Lu Jingye\'s lashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes. Because of how close they were to each other, what greeted him was a handsome face looking down at him with pursed lips and furrowed brows.

He Yuan stared at the dazed eyes behind the glasses for a few seconds before calling out cautiously, "...888?"

Lu Jingye frowned in confusion. "What?" And then his brain registered their position. His eyes widened and he quickly moved out of He Yuan\'s arms with an embarrassed expression.

Cool air hit He Yuan in the spot where 888 had just been and he held himself back from sighing in frustration. The System hadn\'t regained his memories. Fortunately, the situation of things were a little under control now and he had a feeling 888\'s loss of memories had something to do with his severely weakened soul.

So as long as the System\'s soul was replenished to a satisfactory level, 888 would regain his memories. At that thought, He Yuan\'s vigour renewed and he gave 888 a wide smile.

Lu Jingye stared at He Yuan\'s expression and looked away with an even deeper frown. They weren\'t close so he didn\'t understand why the General kept acting familiar with him.

Five seconds later, both men were on their feet and looking down on the bodies of Lu Peng and his servants. He Yuan had a thoughtful expression on his face. When he arrived at the Ancestral hall, his first impression was that those three were here to get rid of 888 but now that everywhere was calm, he realized that something wasn\'t right.

Lu Peng was the Eldest son of the Lu mansion. The next in line to be right Prime minister. His position was currently unshakable so why would he be the first to make a move on 888?

Besides, how could he be more impatient than the other male children to the extent that he personally came over to the Ancestral hall to watch his cronies get rid of 888?

Under Lu Jingye\'s watchful eyes, He Yuan used his foot to turn the three people over. It didn\'t take long to discover the white jar clutched in Lu Peng\'s hands. He squatted, snatched the jar and opened it.

And then his gaze turned cold.

He Yuan looked up at 888\'s curious face and then looked back at Lu Peng with a grim expression. Just opening the jar in close proximity had stirred his blood. This only went to show how potent the aphrodisiac contained in it was!

Thinking about it now, Lu Peng and these two were exposed by the Special one in the original timeline. He shouldn\'t be surprised that Lu Peng would be debauched enough to target his own \'brother.\'

He Yuan straightened and with clenched jaws, he put the jar away. 888 was staring at the jar pointedly so he didn\'t bother to hide the truth. "It\'s an aphrodisiac."

Lu Jingye froze and then his face turned constipated. He\'d once heard of the rumour of Lu Peng\'s strange hobbies from his manservant but with his awkward situation in the Lu mansion, it had been difficult for him to confirm anything.

Thinking of what would have happened if General He hadn\'t showed up in time, Lu Jingye clenched his fists and a cold light flashed in his eyes as he calculated the odds of killing Lu Peng at the moment and getting away with it.

He Yuan narrowed his eyes on his System and lifted a hand to gently flick the man\'s forehead. "Don\'t think about it."

The bloodlust died in Lu Jingye\'s eyes and he lifted a hand to rub his forehead with a glare in He Yuan\'s direction. Ultimately, he knew he wouldn\'t be able to get away with killing Lu Peng now. If some other servants were involved in the plan this night then the idiot\'s death would definitely be traced back to him.

The Ancestral hall was much darker now and the moon was no longer visible. He Yuan turned to 888 and got down to business. "I\'ll be leaving for the Eastern frontier at dawn and I\'ll be gone for a couple of months.

-Three shadow guards will be to you. One of them will replace your personal servant and the other two will stay hidden in your XiGuang courtyard unless there are emergencies."

He absolutely could not leave 888 unprotected but he also couldn\'t cancel his trip to the East. He could take 888 away but that was even more impossible now.

XiGuang courtyard was secluded from the rest of the Lu mansion so it would be easy for his shadow guards to hide there.

As for the personal servant that he planned to switch, that person could be placed in the He mansion whilst his shadow guard could use a faux human skin mask to forge his identity. No one would play close attention to the servant of a person they thought was \'bad omen.\'

By the side, Lu Jingye remained expressionless as He Yuan made these arrangements. He hated being indebted to others but... His hands subconsciously lifted to fiddle with the glasses on his face... He already owed General He two favours so what were a couple more?

He had no idea why the General was doing this but as long as it wasn\'t detrimental to his mother and brother, then he would fulfill any of the General\'s wishes... Lu Jingye\'s eyes moved to Lu Peng and disgust flashed in them... even if it meant ruining the right Prime minister.

With a tilt of his head, he locked eyes with the man next to him and simply nodded.

He Yuan\'s brows lifted in surprise. No one knew better than he how guarded and mistrustful his System was -especially with the loss of his memories- so he didn\'t expect 888 to agree so easily. He smiled softly. "As long as you\'re okay with it."

Lu Jingye nodded again and watched as the General stacked Lu Peng and his cronies on his shoulder, gave him a nod, before slipping out of the Ancestral hall. He didn\'t bother asking where He Yuan was taking them.

Anyways, since the General needed a spy in the Lu mansion, he wouldn\'t do anything that would bring suspicion to him. Yet.


Before leaving, He Yuan generously left a parting gift for Lu Qian and Bai Yun and at dawn, he began his journey to the East.

As for what the gift was... A happy smile graced his lips as he crossed the gates of the Imperial Capital on horseback.





At the far end of the Lu mansion wall, the scream of a young lady in cheap robes shocked the sleepy eyed early risers going about their businesses awake.

When a bunch of them looked over, all they saw was a cluster of trees so they turned to glare angrily at the source of the scream only to become confused when the lady in question placed both hands on her pale face and dashed away with all her might liked she\'d seen a ghost.




Once the street was quite again, those sounds were able to be picked up and the eyes of a bunch of married men widened whilst the married women blushed furiously.

Quickly, the men rushed forward first and the women, unable to contain their curiosity, followed some paces behind -craning their necks to look behind the cluster of trees.

And then their jaws dropped in shock.

"N- No way!" A middle aged man shouted in shock.

Behind the cluster of trees was a stark naked Lu Peng, covered in filth and hunched over on all fours on a naked Min Luo whilst an equally naked Min Guo stood behind -both men taking him at the same time. All three people had excited expressions on their faces.

"AAAAHHH!" A different lady screamed this time.

"Quick, Shu\'er, cover your eyes!" A middle aged woman said as she covered her daughter\'s eyes herself and dragged the young girl away whilst looking back a few times in shock.

"Isn\'t.. isn\'t that the Eldest young master of the Lu family?!"

That one comment opened Pandora\'s box.

"It really is the Eldest young master of the Lu family!"

"Who would have thought that the tastes of those high nosed nobles would be so strong!"

"Doing such a thing in broad daylight, where is their shame?!"

"Such... Such a thing is possible?"

"Who are those two? They look so fierce!"

"The Eldest young master of the Lu family always parades the streets of the capital with a noble bearing, who knew he was such a person in secret?"

"Why... why aren\'t they stopping?!"

Slowly but surely, more and more people gathered and the sounds of their incoherent murmurs reached the gates of the Lu mansion.

The guard on morning duty couldn\'t ignore the loud murmurs any longer after hearing the words \'Eldest young master\' a few times so he stepped out of the gate with a pissed off expression.

A couple of servants were also leaving the mansion for various errands and, out of curiosity, decided to tag along with the guard to the far end of the wall.

When they all got close enough, the words being said put confusion on their faces and the guard immediately began waving the baton in his hand. "MOVE! MOVE AWAY! Does the front of the Lu mansion look like a marketplace for you peasants?! GET LOST!"

The faces of the people present turned red with anger. Seeing Lu Peng like this, the regard they held for the right Prime minister\'s mansion reduced a lot and they sneered. What was special about the so called Lu mansion? One by one, they all began to make way for the Lu guard with expressions of mockery.

When the newcomers saw the cause of the commotion clearly, their faces turned pale and their legs weakened. "El- El- ELDEST YOUNG MASTER!"

With the aid of the guard, some servants rushed to tear the three people apart whilst the others rushed back to the Lu mansion to report the news to their various masters.

The moment Lu Peng, Min Luo and Min Guo were separated, the effects of the drug finally wore off and their clarity returned.

Lu Peng\'s face turned gray as he scrambled to grab his tattered clothes. The last thing he remembered was approaching Lu Jingye before everything went black. The next time he woke up, he found himself with Min Luo and Min Guo behind this cluster of trees with his body burning with need.

Unable to help themselves, they rushed towards each other without paying attention to their environment.

Lu Peng\'s heart squeezed in fear. It was over. If his father finds out about this, his chances of becoming the next head of the Lu mansion would go up in flames!

In his agitated state, he quickly pointed at the guard and motioned at the people gathered around. "Quick! Kill them! KILL ALL OF THEM! DON\'T LET ANYONE ESCAPE!"

It was still early so there were about fifty people. The minute they heard Lu Peng\'s words, chaos ensued as everyone scrambled to get away.

In the middle of the chaos, Min Luo and Min Guo eyed each other and quickly slipped away with their clothes. They weren\'t stupid. If they went back into the Lu mansion, the only thing waiting for them was death.

On the other hand, the Lu guard did not pay attention to Lu Peng\'s words. If he dared to kill so many people in broad daylight on the streets of the Imperial Capital, he\'d have to explain to the Emperor if he thought the Capital of Xiangshan belonged to the right Prime minister.

Over in the Matriarch\'s grand hall...

The old lady decided to entertain herself with a cup of finely brewed tea with a bitter expression as she thought of ways to make the lives of Lu Xuilan and Fang Lan difficult.

Just the day before, that wild girl had dared to scheme her into releasing the deeds of Fang Lan\'s shops in the capital and now she\'d lost an extra source of income! She wasn\'t happy. She wasn\'t happy at all!


The doors of the hall were slammed open and the Matriarch flinched in shock.

The Matriarch\'s head servant, Mama Gu, was too agitated to care about this as she rushed in with her elderly frame quivering. "Not good! Not good Mistress! The Eldest young master... The Eldest young master..."

Matriarch Lu frowned impatiently. "What!"






The hand holding the teacup trembled and the entire cup of piping hot tea spilled on the Lu Matriarch before the cup shattered to pieces on the ground.

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