Overlord of Blood and Iron

Chapter 350: Agnaga Invade Earth (2)

That wasn’t all. MiG-17 fighter jets of the North Korean Airforce were shot down like paper planes by the Agnaga air units called ‘Stingray.’

There was an incapacitation of the army and a lack of air superiority. These two factors led to a massacre of the North Korean soldiers.





They were helpless against the charging Agnaga soldiers. It was because the AK47 bullets made in North Korea couldn’t penetrate the thin barrier surrounding the Agnaga soldiers, and even if the bullets could, they would have lost their kinetic energy and hence be unable to inflict damage on the Agnaga soldiers’ tough skin and muscle.

The frontline of the Agnaga army became cannon fodder, allowing the main troop to charge into the North Korean army and create chaos. Ordinary humans with limited physique and hardware could not match up to the Agnaga soldiers. As a result, the entire North Korean army was exterminated.

So what if there were guns? There wasn’t even time to fire them. All the North Korean soldiers could do was run for their lives or die a dog’s death.

“Oh no... what to do... these poor people...” Park Sun-Ja gasped and despaired as she watched the scene through her television. Anyone would react similarly. It was disturbing to watch ‘humans’ – regardless of whether they were allies or enemies – getting ripped apart by aliens. Furthermore, South Korea was next on the Agnaga’s list. Park Sun-Ja was right to be worried.

[Breaking news!] All soldiers in the Army, Navy and Airforce are to be positioned at the Military Demarcation Line...

South Korea was in total chaos right now.

[Breaking news] Lines of evacuees getting longer... all roads in Seoul are currently unusable...

[Breaking news] Chaebol family is leaving the country... ready to migrate to the USA... where is the noblesse oblige?

[Breaking news] Eschatology in the spotlight... is the world going to end?

[Breaking news] Lim Moo-Sung, the Minister of National Defense: “No point in evacuating... at the rate of the monster army’s advancement, South Korea will fall in just two days.”

[Breaking news] 24 hours since the placement of a mobilization order... Ministry of National Defense, mobilizing all soldiers on service and reservists...

These depressing reports were posted on the main page of various portal sites. The problem was that they were all true. In just three days, Russia fell even with its superior military power.

North Korea? How could a puppet state last a day with old Soviet scrap metal?

At that instant, the television screen flashed the president’s determined face.

Finally, it boiled down to this. The nation’s survival was at stake. The government planned to declare a state of emergency and fight against the monster army. It didn’t have a choice. As described by the Minister of National Defense, all the Korean government could do was position the soldiers near the boundary and prepare for the imminent battle.

The president pleaded. However, it was completely useless. The main cities, including Seoul, were paralyzed by the migration of refugees.

Meanwhile, sirens blared from multiple speakers installed across the city. That signaled the declaration of emergency martial law.

“Son...” Park Sun-Ja recalled her most beloved person, Kang Chul-In’s, face. “What’s going on, son...? Not even a call... what’s happening...”

Although Kang Chul-In was an invincible superhuman, his mother could not stop worrying. Moreover, any earthling could guess that those foreign monsters were associated with Pangaea and thus Kang Chul-In.

“Please give me a call...”

At that instant, her smartphone vibrated.

“...!” Park Sun-Ja turned around instinctively. The screen displayed the following:

My beloved son <3


Park Sun-Ja grabbed her smartphone in the blink of an eye.

“S-Son?” She then immediately received the call. It was a call from her son, whom she was so worried about.

She could hear his voice over the phone.

“Where are you? Are you okay? Are you perhaps in Seoul? It’s dangerous here! If you are in Seoul by any chance, escape right now!”

Park Sun-Ja rattled out of concern for Kang Chul-In. It was a mother’s heart. She herself was stuck in Seoul, which was definitely going to fall within 12 hours. However, Park Sun-Ja still prioritized her son’s well being

Kang Chul-In replied.

“Y-Yeouido?” Park Sun-Ja was surprised. “Son, Seoul is currently...”


Kang Chul-In sounded extremely relaxed and composed.

Don’t tell me...! Park Sun-Ja could sense something instinctively. My son...

Kang Chul-In only spoke a few words, but they carried much weight. He was telling her that he would stop the catastrophe.

“B-But, son... you are strong, but those monsters are forming an army! You can’t fight alone...” Park Sun-Ja desperately tried to dissuade Kang Chul-In.

However, Kang Chul-In spoke first.

“Son!” Park Sun-Ja raised her voice. “It’s too dangerous! I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s too risky...”


“Ah...!” Park Sun-Ja was reminded that Kang Chul-In was the king of the ‘other world.’ “A-And? You are going to...?”

Kang Chul-In replied.

“T-That means...!”

Kang Chul-In’s message was simple and concise.

Kang Chul-In emphasized.


She couldn’t. How could one stop the monster army that devastated the whole northern hemisphere so perfectly that no one had to evacuate? Nobody could believe this unrealistic promise. Even if it came from the president of the United States of America, it would still lack credibility.


“Alright.” Park Sun-Ja decided to believe her son. No, she had to. Kang Chul-In always lived up to his word. For the past thirty years, even his mother couldn’t reason him out of his obstinacy.

“How could I not trust my son? I believe you.”

Park Sun-Ja was no ordinary woman herself. Although she did not display a fearsome spirit like patriot Ahn Jung-Geun’s mother, she harbored a strong faith in Kang Chul-In.

“I will be watching, son.” Park Sun-Ja said rather playfully. “So do your best. I will be observing how cool my son is on the stage.”

She sounded quite unnatural. It was impossible to mask a mother’s worry when she was about to send her son to the battlefield.

Kang Chul-In was aware of this as well, but he did not try to reassure Park Sun-Ja. He was a man who valued actions over a thousand words.

“Alright, hurry and go.” Park Sun-Ja spoke hesitantly. “Go save the world, son.”

“I’m proud of you.” She was genuine. Why wouldn’t she be? Her only son was about to save the world from the monster army. Nobody else in history could accomplish such a feat.


Immediately afterwards, Kang Chul-In hung up.

“Right, that’s more like my son.” Park Sun-Ja smiled faintly. Her worries were long gone. Park Sun-Ja had faith. She believed that Kang Chul-In would defeat the monster army and return proudly as a hero!


Meanwhile in Yeouido, on the roof of the 63 Building.

“Phew.” Kang Chul-In let out a long sigh and turned to face the north. “Very disturbing.”

He let out a low growl. Kang Chul-In’s frustration was currently at its peak. He and his soldiers almost died in an explosion in Nosferatu thanks to Milenius. Moreover, he could have been left completely ignorant of the second coming of the Agnaga that occurred on Earth. This was the first-time things were so messy since his return to the past.

“Those small fries.” A small portion of the Agnaga army was now trying to attack Korea, where his mother was! “I will kill them all.”

Kang Chul-In leaped off the 63 Building and a pair of wings made from light emerged from the Ectoplasm Oversuit. Kang Chul-In flew towards the north at an incredible speed, releasing a sonic boom that was as loud as a supercar engine.



“You fuckers!”


The soldiers of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea fell helplessly to the Agnaga soldiers.

“Eek... eek...!” They despaired. “Am I going to die like this? Like this? I’ve never thought I will get killed by these monsters instead of those South Korean bastards!”

They did not have any solution. The DPRK soldiers were the clear victims in this genocide.

While the soldiers were despairing, an unknown object penetrated deep between the Agnaga air units.

“Get lost, small fries.” Kang Chul-In muttered and swung Kaiforce and Mitra casually. The blades sliced straight through the Agnaga air units, almost like butter. Then, a ‘miracle’ happened. Just like how Moses split the Red Sea, Kang Chul-In opened up a path by destroying thousands of Agnaga air units in just two or three slices. It was the miracle of Kang Chul-In.

“Small fries need to burn.” Kang Chul-In refused to stop. Mitra began to emit a holy fire.

You can handle this?

Mitra said heartwarmingly. In the past, she had refused to listen to Kang Chul-In on multiple occasions. However, she now seemed to enjoy obeying his commands.

“Die!” Kang Chul-In, who had become a little delighted from this, bellowed loudly and swung Mitra. Mitra’s flame was notorious for its ability to eliminate evil existence without a trace. Truly enough, it engulfed the remaining Agnaga air units.

“W-What is that...!”

“I’ve never seen anything like that...!”

“H-How strange...!”

The North Korean soldiers were astonished. The flying monsters that had turned thousands of MiG-17 fighter jets into scrap metal were all burnt to crisp. The soldiers could not express their shock in words.

The North Korean soldiers were not the only audience.

Brave helicopters of various broadcasting stations were filming this battle from afar. Thanks to them, Kang Chul-In’s appearance was broadcasted live to the whole of South Korea.

“About time to call them.” However, Kang Chul-In did not care how the people responded to his appearance. The only thing on his mind now was to clean up this battlefield and head straight to Moscow, because the main force of the Agnaga army was there. So was Rindermergel, the Relentless Predator.

Kang Chul-In held his Soul Core high up in the air. In fact, it was no longer a Soul Core. Once the Soul Core of Laputa, the sword now contained ownership of over 900 territories. Also known as the ‘Core of Pangaea,’ Kang Chul-In’s sword was the symbol of the imperial throne!

“Come forth.” Kang Chul-In commanded. “My soldiers.”

Immediately, the Core of Pangaea began to emit a brilliant rainbow aura.

And then... a dimensional rift formed within a 100 kilometre radius around Kang Chul-In. An enormous castle gradually emerged from the rift.

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