Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 213 - When Did You Fall In Love With Me?

Chapter 213: When Did You Fall In Love With Me?

Everyone left in a bad mood.

Chunyu said to Yaoyao as she stomped to their room, “Don’t be too angry. They don’t matter. They’re just saying that to guilt you into helping them. Don’t concern yourself with their opinions, you’ll always have my support.”

“I don’t care about them, but I am angry. I’m sure that if I hadn’t stood up for myself, they would’ve just gotten more aggressive,” Ye Jiayao ranted.

He stayed silent as he rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

When her anger subsided, Ye Jiayao started, “I was thinking earlier that maybe Ning has something against my father that’s why he can’t leave her.”

“I was thinking the same thing. With your father’s temper, he would’ve kicked Ning away a long time ago if she didn’t have any ammunition against him,” Chunyu said.

It seemed that Ye Binghuai spread the news of an Heir-son Lord staying at his home because some of the rich families in Yangzhou came over to meet and talk with Chunyu. Chunyu wasn’t really in the mood to socialize, but since they were already there, he had no other choice. There were so many people that it kept him busy until night.

Ye Jiayao was concerned for him so she made him some food to eat. Besides, he’s been complaining that she hasn’t cooked for him ever since they got married.

Jinyao followed her around, watching her skillful cooking. She was surprised to see that her sister could cook so well.

“Big Sister, I heard that you opened a restaurant in Jin Ling?”

“Yeah, I did. It’s called Heavenly Residence.”

“Why would you need that when you’re already the Second Young Mistress of a Marquis mansion.”

Ye Jiayao smiled patiently at her sister. “You’re wrong if you think that you can just sit back and enjoy everything when you become a mistress. If a woman relies on a man for everything, what’s gonna be left of her character? What if she falls out of favor with her husband or his family? A woman needs to have something of her own. Fo me, that’s cooking and the restaurant.”

This was the first time that Jinyao has heard that. She was taught that a woman’s only duty is to run the household and please her husband.

“You’re not going to understand what I’m saying until you get married yourself,” Ye Jiayao said. “It’s not that simple to be a wife.”

She knew that what she just said was considered somewhat radical in this era. Women in this time were simply taught that their mission in life is to be a homemaker, a dutiful wife, and a responsible mother. Independence from a man is a foreign concept for a lot of them.

Jinyao nodded. Her big sister was right, she could not understand it.

“What about your Second Sister and your mother? What do they do besides manage the house?” Ye Jiayao asked. Although she liked Jinyao, she was still Ning’s daughter. Ye Jiayao had to be sure which side she was on before she opens up more to her.

It was clear that Jinyao was somewhat embarrassed when she replied, “Second Sister is somewhat self-willed, but I don’t think she has anything going on outside of the home. She has now lost favors with the Weis and Father, but fortunately for her, Second Brother-in-law takes care of her. As for Mother, she doesn’t open up much to me, only to Second Sister, so I don’t know about her dealings.

Ye Jiayao was silent as she mused over Jinyao’s answer. She already knew that Jinrong wasn’t industrious enough to come up with a venture of her own, but her judgment was still out on Ning.

She made braised pork ball with brown sauce, vegetable stir-fry, crucian carp soup with shredded turnips, and fragrant white rice. She told Song Qi to tell Chunyu she wasn’t feeling well so that he’d have an excuse to leave the boring meeting he’s been stuck in.

Sure enough, Chunyu came rushing to her.

“Yaoyao, are you feeling unwell?” he called loudly.

Jinyao frowned when she heard her brother-in-law yell her name. She was just about to ask him when she noticed him fussing over her sister. Did he just call her sister ‘Yaoyao’? Why?

Qiao Xi smiled at her master’s antics. “Heir-son Lord, Second Young Lady was afraid that you’re getting hungry so she made up an excuse to get you out.

Normally, Ye Jiayao would’ve taken Jiang Yue with her, but the pastry shop needed someone to manage it while she’s gone.

Chunyu sighed with relief. “You scared me. Next time, find a less terrifying excuse.”

Ye Jiayao laughed and turned to Jinyao, “Sister, you have accompanied me the whole day. Why don’t you go and rest now?

With Jinyao around, she and Chunyu could not talk freely.

Jinyao politely said her goodbyes and then left.

As Qiao Xi went about on preparing the meal, Chunyu said, “These people are stupid. I deliberately told your father not to leave food out for me so I hope they all get the hint and just leave.”

“I know you’re tired that’s why I cooked some food for you to help relieve your exhaustion,” she said.

He looked up from the food in front of him, surprised. “You cooked this?”

She grinned. “Take a bite and you’ll know.”

Chunyu happily shoved a pork ball in his mouth, moaning in satisfaction. “Damn, I haven’t tasted your pork balls in a while. You used to make this all the time in the mountains. It tastes even better now.”

Ye Jiayao smiled with satisfaction as she watched him enjoy the food that she made. “Unfortunately, we can’t cook by ourselves, otherwise, I will make food for you every day.”

She didn’t dare cook so much in the mansion for fear that others would regard her as a cook there and just demand her food.

“When the manor’s ready, we can go there and live by ourselves for a little while,” Chunyu proposed.

She nodded eagerly. She would love to be able to do anything she pleased without thinking of some rules or etiquette to follow.

They were quiet for a moment before Ye Jiayao randomly said, “By the way, I want to know, when did you fall in love with me? And why?”

He winked at her saucily. “Guess.”

“That’s not fair!”

“You’re no fun...”

“Come on, when was it?”

“It happened a long time ago, let me think about it.”

Ye Jiayao pouted. “You’re stalling.”

“Let me think…” Chunyu pondered. “Was it the first time I saw you? No. At that time, I only admired your looks. Was it the first time you cooked for me? No. I was just so happy that I didn’t have to eat the cook’s terrible food. Maybe it was when you fell off the cliff? Or when I found out you’re still alive? Actually, still no. You fought me at every turn at that time.”

Ye Jiayao’s mood dived as Chunyu continued. “Then when did you fall in love with me?”

“I honestly can’t remember now,” he said dismissively, turning back to his food.

“You can’t seriously expect me to believe that.” She took the bowl of pork balls and threatened, “You can’t eat until you give me an answer.”

Chunyu put his chopsticks down and smiled fondly at her, his eyes gentle and filled with affection. “I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with you. It’s a process, Yaoyao. You slowly burrowed into my heart and thoughts until you consumed my every waking moment. It was a culmination of your smile, your fire, the way you fight for what’s right… I don’t know exactly when, but I do know that I am in it with you for the rest of my life.”

Ye Jiayao was speechless. That was honestly so beautiful it made her eyes well up.

He took the bowl of pork balls back and asked, “How about you? When did you start liking me?”

Ye Jiayao shyly said, “I don’t wanna tell you.”

“Hey, that’s unfair! I answered your question, why won’t you answer mine?”

“When do you think?”

Chunyu only smiled at her and waited until he was done with his meal before interrogating her again.

He has his methods to make her talk and needless to say, Ye Jiayao was forced to confess.

Early in the next morning, Ye Jiayao and Chunyu went to her mother’s grave. She didn’t permit others to come with them except Mother Su, Qiao Xi, and Song Qi.

Since her mother died giving birth to her, Ye Jiayao didn’t know exactly how she felt about her. The only knowledge that she has of her mother came from Mother Su’s stories. All she knew was that her mother was a gentle and kind woman.

Ye Jiayao bowed in front of the grave and kowtowed after burning the sacrifice.

Mom, maybe you have already met the real Ye Jinxuan there in heaven, but I promise to bring honor and glory to her name. I will make the best of the life she has given me. I hope that you can bless my endeavor.

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