Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 516: I will Savor this Battle

Although Kakashi was startled by Madara’s approach which was almost too fast for him to see, he still prepared himself to fight back. However, just when they were about to clash, Kakashi vanished and was replaced with a young man with blonde hair and a mischievous smile on his face.

“I expected that. [Sage Art: Rasenshuriken]”

Naruto switched places with Kakashi, using the [Flying Thunder God Seal], and immediately tried to land a surprise attack on Madara.

Although Madara was surprised by Naruto suddenly appearing before him, he wouldn’t get hit so easily. Without a second of hesitation, his Rinnegan activated, and he swapped places with one of his two limbo clones.

Instead of being disappointed due to his failed ambush, Naruto’s eyes shone with excitement.

‘Lucky~ He reacted how I hope he would.’

Moments later, the Rasenshuruken collided with Madara’s limbo clone, but instead of a strong explosion, the Rasenshuriken turned into a small smoke cloud.

“[Uzumaki Sealing Style: Space Confinment]”

Before Madara could fully grasp the situation, another Naruto charged out of the dust cloud and put his hands on the limbo clone’s shoulders, causing a complex pattern of seals to cover the clone’s invisible body within an instant.

Madara frowned as he realized that that clone was no longer capable of interacting with this dimension, effectively making it useless. Now, he had only one clone left.

“[Man Beast Flame Cultivation Combination Arts: Grand Heaven Devouring White Inferno]”

While Madara was pondering the situation of his limbo clone, Anko and Akane had amassed a ridiculous amount of chakra and shot an attack at Madara, causing his frown to deepen.

‘White flames? Although I have never seen a technique like this, I can tell that those flames are no joke. Besides that, did that snake just use a flame jutsu? I have never heard of snakes that could do that.’

Although Madara was surprised by Anko’s attack, he wasn’t flustered in the slightest as he willed five of his truth-seeker orbs to form a shield against Anko’s attack.

Her attack crashed into the shield, and Madara couldn’t help but frown when he felt the fire’s intense heat reaching him despite the shield.

“Hoo~ What an impressive jutsu. If I only had the Rinnegan, this might have actually caused me some trouble.”

Anko couldn’t help but smirk at Madara’s words.

“As expected of an Uchiha…”

“”[The Seventh Gate: Gate of Wonder: OPEN]””

“… their arrogance is truly out of this world~”

“”[Afternoon Tiger]””

Two gigantic figures resembling a tiger appeared to Madara’s right and left, putting a lot of pressure on him as he was still blocking Anko’s flame jutsu.

Another four orbs moved, splitting into two groups of two forming another two shields in front of Lee and Guy’s attacks.

Two more explosions echoed over the battlefield as the pressure Madara felt increased even further. Despite gritting his teeth due to the strain, he was still holding his ground.


Suddenly, the space around Madara’s right shoulder twisted, making him panic a little. Although he wanted to get to Obito’s dimension, there was no point in just having his shoulder there, so he had to quickly dodge Kakashi’s attempt to twist off his shoulder. Unfortunately, Anko, Lee, and Guy’s attacks still held him in place.

His anger spiked as his Rinnegan shone with power.


A powerful gravity shockwave exploded out of Madara’s body and immediately pushed everything that was pressuring him away, allowing him to dodge away from Kakashi’s Kamui attempt.

Madara took a deep breath as he realized how close he got to actually getting hurt. Although he had confidence in regenerating almost all injuries, losing an arm wouldn’t be a joke in this kind of situation.

After another deep breath, Madara sneered as his gaze wandered over the people surrounding him.

“That was impressive; I give you that much, but if that is all you ha…”

Suddenly, Madara’s instincts started screaming at him, warning him of unprecedented danger.

At first, he wanted to simply dismiss that as a false warning, thinking that no one could genuinely hurt the current him, but he quickly discarded that thought. As a honed warrior, Madara would never dismiss what his guts were telling him.

First, he wanted to simply switch places with his remaining limbo clone, but he immediately realized that that would be impossible since Naruto used the time when Anko, Lee, Guy, and Kakashi were assaulting him to seal away the second one.

His next option would be to blast everything around him away with the Shinra Tensei, but he had just used that move and couldn’t do it again for around another minute.

Finally, he did the only thing he could do: Hastily jumping aside, hoping that it would help him dodge whatever danger was about to befall him. Considering he previously stood with his arms crossed and his nose in the air, the whole maneuver looked especially undignified.

Anyway, the moment Madara started moving, he felt something prick his back, and a split second later, a blade entered his back, passed through his body, and came out of his chest.

“Aww, man~ You moved, making me miss the heart. Such a pity~ Hehe, guess I’ll have to try again~”

A chill went through Madara’s spine when he realized that he almost got killed just now. Frankly, he didn’t think that he would die even if his whole heart was destroyed as long as he could regenerate it fast enough, but for some reason, he felt like the attack he just experienced could genuinely kill him.

Anyway, he was still in a dangerous situation, so without a second of hesitation, Madara flared his chakra, allowing dozens of wood branches to exit his back and pierce toward whoever had just stabbed him, forcing the attacker to retreat.

‘Shit! What’s with all these monsters? Wasn’t my generation supposed to be the strongest? This is ridiculous!’

Madara couldn’t help but feel a little bit of dread as he had already lost the trail of the person who just stabbed him, causing a bit of cold sweat to flow down his back.

‘Shit, despite having a Rinnegan, I can’t track her movements at all. What kind of nonsense is this? Additionally, didn’t that green kid just open the seventh gate? I can still accept the power of the two adults, but why are the three younger ones so outrageous!?’

Madara took a deep breath to stabilize his chaotic thoughts and prepared himself for combat.

‘To think I would be able to dance this much even after acquiring the Juubi. This is… exhilarating~’

Despite almost dying just now, Madara simply couldn’t help himself as a battle-thirsty grin appeared on his face. He will savor this battle to its limit.

***Author Note***

Powerstones… *poke*, *poke*

***End of Author Note***

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