Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 53


One of the worst parts of the result of the battle of Pearl was that now, due to Takomaro\'s unfortunate passing, some of the survivors were looking to him for guidance. Something he simply couldn\'t provide, as he had no answers for the questions this event had created. 

Another one of the worst aspects was the worried, horribly distraught glances his daughter would send his way. Like them, she, maybe most of all, was looking to him for answers, but right now, he couldn\'t be Satsuhiro, the Father. He had to be Satsuhiro, the Savior. 

However, as they all finally reached Jade he was given a brief respite. With the sun up, Satsuhiro assumed it was early on in the morning. They were currently approaching the western gate of Jade.

A few guards saw their massive group and the way was quickly cleared for them. Satsuhiro looked back, searching for Kaori. When he saw the blonde, he walked up to her and said:

"Stay near me. The citizens of Jade might still hate you after everything that happened with Varcon. If anyone tries anything, I want to be ready." 

"Y-Yeah." Kaori nodded. "Thank you." 

Satsuhiro then looked away and kept his eyes peeled as they entered the city. The reaction from the crowd was basically what he expected. Shock and confusion, on a massive scale. Guards approached them and Lord Nathan walked up to them, his royal guard behind him, of course. 

"Send word to the Royal Council that survivors from Pearl have arrived. Have a space made for them to rest in until they can be properly settled. We will head to the Palace shortly."

"Yes, milord." One guard bowed and quickly, he got on a nearby horse and made a beeline for the Palace. 

Lord Nathan turned to Satsuhiro. 

"I do wonder how the Council will react to our defeat," he told the Savior. "This was... Eye-opening, to say the least." 

"If their response is anything that doesn\'t count as \'getting their shit in order\'," Satsuhiro replied, "then their response is bullshit." 

"Ha!" Nathan laughed boisterously. "Agreed. Agreed..." 

The walk to the Palace was a somber one. The citizens of Pearl carried their trauma on their visages. A collection of expressions that made every citizen in Jade turn to face them with concern and worry. News had certainly reached the capital about the portal, but maybe the direness of the situation hadn\'t. That would be rectified soon enough. 

By the time they reached the Palace, a couple of representatives of the Royal Council, Talo included, were standing outside of its doors, their hands behind their backs as they waited for the group to draw closer. 

"Welcome, brave men and women," Talo bowed to them. Then, they gestured at a group of soldiers to the left side. "Civilians, please, go with these fine warriors. They will take you to your temporary quarters." 

So, they had a spot ready. They might have assumed we\'d lose then, or they had that place ready just in case.

Satsuhiro thought. 

"Metsumi," Satsuhiro walked up to his wife, gesturing at the civilians with his head. 

"You\'ll come see us after, uh, this?" Metsumi asked. 


"Alright, come on, Opah." Metsumi pulled their daughter along, who watched Satsuhiro with frightened eyes as she was taken away. The sight made him clench one hand into a fist. 

"Saviors, lords, with us, please." 

Satsuhiro and Nathan led the others into the Palace, following behind the Council\'s representatives. They were led up multiple steps to a small room where only a few people would ever set foot. He was following Nathan, and behind him, Ioko, Kasumi, Mizaki, Akiven, Keiko, Kaori, and Ash trailed. 

Satsuhiro didn\'t miss the strange glances sent Ash\'s way. He wondered what was going through people\'s minds. 

The Council\'s Meeting Room was a small space, with a long sapphire-colored table at the center and different statues of the deities surrounding it. The Council\'s representatives gestured for them to sit and everyone settled down, as the representatives remained standing. 

"We heard rather sad news emerge from the conflict in the west," Talo opened. "Before we discuss what is to be done, we will need to know why this happened." 

"Because no one fucking listened to me," Ash mumbled and Satsuhiro rolled his eyes. 

She just doesn\'t know when to be quiet, does she? No one needs to be sassed right now.

"Hm? Savior Ash, what do you speak of?" 

Ash shrugged and crossed her arms. 

"I told everyone that the demons were too strong. That we needed to just leave the place. But nooo, \'we need to try, we need to be brave,\' and guess what? We got our fucking asses kicked." 

"And how exactly did you know the demons were \'too strong\' as you put it?" 

"Because I was affected by the same Status Effect that gave them their power," Ash responded. "Those things were level 5, 6, and shit, but they had the stats of someone who was level 50. There was no winning that fight." 

"... If this is true, we have to agree," Talo said. "What do you think?" They asked their fellow representatives. 

One, a female with glowing blue eyes, tilted her head up. 

"Tactical retreat is a valid strategy, but it appears our friends at Pearl disagreed." They said. 

"Agreed," a male representative said. 

"... We lost, yes," Nathan sighed, "but their strength did need to be evaluated. Obviously, I am saddened that it took the loss of my city for that to be done, but it is done now. The next time they attack, because yes, there will be a \'next time\', we will be ready." Nathan stated. 

"Yeah? How?" Ash asked. "Unless you\'re going to level all of your soldiers from one day to the next, we\'re kind of fucked. Those portals could open anywhere, at any time. I... I don\'t see how we win." 

The half-demon\'s statement left everyone thinking. Satsuhiro agreed with her if he was being honest. Without the help of the stronger Saviors, some of which were likely fighting their own battles around the world, how were they supposed to do anything against those creatures? 

"... We will ponder the matter amongst ourselves then, as we see this will require coordination between all of the cities," Talo stated. "For now, please, settle in. You will be called on again soon." 

Satsuhiro nodded and stood up. 

"Saviors," he called out, "come on. I\'ll show you to the Savior House." 

It felt strange knowing those empty rooms would be seeing some use soon. 

"Alright, lead the way," Akiven said, "I need a fucking nap." 

"Agreed," Ash stood up as well. 

Each of the Saviors walked out of the room. Satsuhiro was the last, leading them out of the building so he could take them along with him. They went to the Spirit Gardens District, where the Savior House still was of course, though Satsuhiro noticed a few papers stuck to the door. 




A few of the notes stuck to the wood said. Satsuhiro took one of the papers off and stared at it.  It didn\'t take much thought to know who these people were talking about. Indeed, Kaori\'s actions seemed to be an elephant in the room, as Satsuhiro caught both Mizaki and Akiven sneaking glances at Kaori upon seeing the papers. 

... Stay strong, kid.  He thought as he opened the door.  Oh. I should have seen this coming. 

A lot of the furniture was ruined. Hopefully, the beds are still alright. 

That was not the case. They had holes in them, probably from civilians repeatedly stabbing the beds and ripping them up.  Uh, they can probably still sleep in these though.  Satsuhiro thought. 

"Okay, pick a bed. I\'ll be right back." 

With those words, Satsuhiro left the house momentarily. He needed to go get his wife and child. So, he walked all the way back to the palace and asked around to see where the civilians had been taken. He was led to an area beside the dungeons where everyone was waiting to be escorted elsewhere. 

Metsumi and Opah were there, keeping close to each other as he arrived. 

He walked up to them, and his wife smiled upon seeing him. 

"Come on," he said. "We\'re heading back to the Savior House." 

Instead, he felt a hand grab his wrist. It was Metsumi. 

"Can I talk to you?" She asked. 

"... Yeah." 

She took him to a small, vacant spot. One where the other civilians couldn\'t see them. Here, Metsumi leaned against a wall and looked down. Satsuhiro raised a brow. 


"... You should talk to Opah, when you get the chance," she stated. "She\'s... Well, obviously, she\'s taking all of this pretty harshly." 

Yeah, can\'t imagine a large-scale battle wouldn\'t harm a kid\'s mind. 

"Will do. Now, come on, so we can," he turned around, but he was stopped a second time. 

This time, Metsumi wrapped her arms around him. He stopped, sighing. 

"... Please, be careful out there," Metsumi muttered into his back. "I can\'t lose you, Satsu."

"... Come on," Satsuhiro replied, knowing he couldn\'t make any promises. 

Saviors weren\'t known for having long lives, after all. 

Opah was watching them, leaning from behind a wall. When Satsuhiro caught her looking, she flinched and backed away. Satsuhiro walked up to her, seeing her sitting on the ground with her knees up to her chest. 

Satsuhiro took a deep breath. He crouched in front of her. The girl\'s eyes went up to meet his and Satsuhiro swept back a strand of hair that fell in front of hers. 

"... Are the monsters gone?" She asked. 

Satsuhiro was about to nod, but at the last second, he shook his head. 

"... Oh." 

She lowered her head and Satsuhiro heard her sniffle, letting out a small sob. He lifted her head up by the chin though. 

"I won\'t let anything happen to you," Satsuhiro stated. "I need you to stay strong though, okay?" 

She looked away. Satsuhiro looked away as well. 

I\'ll talk to her later.  He promised to her in his mind.  I... This is just too hard, honestly.

"Alright, come on. Let\'s go." 

And so, trying his hardest to keep his composure, he led his family back to the Savior House, one saddened step at a time. 

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