My Hollywood System

Chapter 130:

Chapter 130:

Will Evans was browsing through the list of profiles that his Uncle Ben had sent him, that he thought would do good in the remaining cast for [Liberty City]. The DTA was now, a fully autonomous company, under the umbrella of Dream Vision Studios, it no longer needed input from him, as its chairman to function anymore. His company was slowly becoming the giant that it needed to be before he could start work on his larger projects. And with the appointment of Benjamin Charles, his uncle as the CEO of DTA, it was able to handle the casting of most Dream Vision affiliated movies, and shows.

As the main role for Mario Di Mauro, and the eventual antagonist in the form of Don Vulpe, was settled, with Leonardo De Le Rosa and Michael Robert Elrod, in the respective roles, DTA had sent Will an entire list of A-ranked actors, that they had originally poached from MCA, to be cast for [Liberty City]. While Tommy Vercetti was going to be one of the antagonists of this film, Will wanted to later introduce Tommy Vercetti’s story in GTA Vice City, with him as the protagonist. [Liberty City] happens a few years after the events of GTA Vice City.

Will had just about finished selecting the entire cast, only a select few were still pending when he heard his intercom buzzing, pressing the answer button, he said “Yes, Alexia?”

“Sir, Mr. Charles is requesting permission to enter your office.” She said through the intercom.

“Send him up, Alexia.” He replied, wondering what his Uncle wanted to discuss.

After a couple of minutes, a knock followed by the opening his office door, Will saw his Uncle walk into his office, with a smile on his face.

“Will! Good morning. I just came by, because I had forgotten to attach Natalie Bergmann’s file to the available candidates, and maybe help you out in the selection of the final roster.” He informed, as walked towards him.

Will got up from his chair, gave his uncle a warm hug, and said “That’s kind of you, Uncle. Please take a seat. I have almost finalized the casts. You came just in time, I think I can give Natalie a support role in this film. Please, take a seat.” He pointed to the seat opposite his desk, as he returned back to his chair.

“Yes, with the release of [500 days of Summer], her fame should skyrocket, and people will research for more of her works, which will help you with [Liberty City].” His Uncle pointed out, as he placed the file on his desk.

“That’s a good idea. What role do I give her though?” Will pondered, going through her file, and reading her personality profile and talent description.

“Well, based on your script, I think she would fit perfectly as Mario Di Mauro’s girlfriend. Her betrayal of Mario, and later death would give her a more varied role in her portfolio, and I think she would be perfect for the role in general. The role looks to me, to be of a demanding and challenging woman, and she’s ambitious too, it would fit her perfectly.” Benjamin advised.

Will nodded, as he finished looking through the file, and looked at his Uncle “That sounds like a perfect fit for her, I will curate a small section of the script and send it to her. Let’s see her take, on the character later.”

“That is fine, based on her performance in [500 days of Summer], she’s a versatile actress, she will be perfect.” Uncle Ben reassured Will.

“I know.” Will said “Now, I have to select the roles of the two corrupt police officers and the Police Chief. And finally, the role of Wilson Manfredi and Tommy Vercetti.”

Uncle Charles thought over each of the roles and then asked “Let’s start with Wilson Manfredi. Who do you have In mind?”

“Well, I was thinking of James Moore, actually. He has had a few roles as an older man, and he’s half Italian, so I think he can pull it off.” Will replied.

“James huh, I have worked with him, once or twice, he is dependable, and for the short scene, he would do fine. Though his Italian descent is just for show, he will have to work on his accent, but he will pull it off. Good choice, that leaves the cops, we have Officer Daniel Brown and Officer William Phillips, what are you thinking for those?” His uncle asked, moving on to the next set of characters.

“Well, as this is the hippie 80s, and it is New York City, I wanted a very generic face, not too handsome, not someone who will stand out in a crowd, yeah? They’re police officers, looking to make money, while double-crossing almost everyone in the plot, so dirty cops that will fit undercover as well. So, I was thinking of Ian Campbell for Daniel Brown, and Patrick Stevens for William Phillips.” He revealed.

Benjamin processed the names, trying to remember the actors from his previous interactions, and then shook his head “Ian, while a good new actor, is not suitable for a police officer, he’s too thin and frail. While he doesn’t stand out much, his acting is good, but I would suggest someone else. Jacob Poole would be good for that role. Patrick Stevens and him have worked together previously, and they are friends, as well. So, it will work out.” He advised.

Will nodded and attached the files of Jacob Poole, and Patrick Stevens to their assigned roles. “Now, the chief of Police, and finally Tommy Vercetti. I was thinking an older man, for the Chief, he doesn’t really have that many roles, but he does play a vital scene, so I was considering William Abrams, he fits nicely, and he doesn’t have to change much in his appearance either. The white hair and his mustache should be a good addition to his character and fits with the era. What do you think?”

Uncle Ben nodded and said “Yes, he would do well, in that role, and being an A-lister veteran actor, he would draw a crowd all on his own. That is a good idea. Finally, all that remains is Tommy Vercetti.”

Will wanted a good actor for Tommy Vercetti, as the character was going to be given a prequel in the form of Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Will wanted to establish the Grand Theft Auto universe in video games and on the big screen, and given this film’s results, would set the center stage of further installments of the franchise.

Will was considering Ethan Silva, for the role of Tommy, as his voice and characterization, somewhat resembled the characterization of Tommy Vercetti that Will remembered from GTA Vice City.

Ethan Silva could basically be considered the Tom Cruise of this reality, while he looked a little different from Tom Cruise, his portfolio of films was similar to the films done by Tom Cruise in the other reality.

During the bar fight, Tommy would die due to Mario’s stab through his neck, and Mario would pass out due to the gunshot wound puncturing his lung, he would be rescued by Don Vulpe’s men. Don Vulpe would eventually use the power vacuum that Tommy Vercetti would leave behind, and try to take control, while hiring Mario as his enforcer, now that Tommy was dead.

Unbeknownst to him, Tommy would use the opportunity to finalize his control over Tommy’s businesses, lying to Don Vulpe and selling him to the cops. The movie would end, with Mario stuffing a tied-up Don Vulpe in his Pegassi Infernus, and throwing him into the ocean while he watches, and smokes a puff of cigarette from the mountain top.

“I was thinking of giving the role to Ethan Silva, he would fit for Tommy Vercetti, his voice and looks would be perfect for the role. And I want to later develop this film into something more, and maybe give Ethan the role of Tommy in a future project.” Will said finally.

“That is a fantastic idea, he would be able to do the various fight scenes appropriately. That is it then. All the cast is chosen? Then I will inform the agents we have for these actors, you’ve already spoken with Leo and Robert, we can finally consider [Liberty City] entering pre-production.” Uncle Ben announced, and Will smiled at him.


A large group of girls were walking outside a cinema, having just left the bar nearby, they were celebrating girl’s night and wanted to select a good film to end their night on, before heading home.

“I say, we should watch [500 days of Summer], it was written by Will Evans, it will be wonderful, I am sure!” One of the girls said to the others.

“Rachel, you always select the movies, let me select this time. Why don’t we go for [Zinon’s love], I heard Zen acts as the lead.” Another girl replied.

“You’re obsessed with Zen, Monica. Plus, the movie isn’t even good.” Rachel replied. Their argument devolved into a cat fight and the third girl interjected.

“Ladies, cut it out! Cut it out! We’ll head over to the cinema and whichever movie and decide there, capiche?”

“Yeah, that is fair Pheobe.”/”Alright, I can agree to that.”

They trio walked over to the cinema entrance, where one show had just ended, and the audience were exiting the show.

They heard a man say to his companion “Man, [Zinon’s Love] is just a bad attempt at [Love me, Zinon]’s sequel, I feel like my money was wasted.”

“Eh, at least we had fun, right babe?” The woman asked “Right?”

“Uh, right of course” The man replied nervously, and they walked off.

“Well, that was awkward,” Pheobe commented, and they yet again could hear another group discussing the other film [500 days of Summer].

“I liked this movie, though it was sad to see what happened to Tom, poor guy. Good movie, nonetheless. Thanks for bringing me here gals, this was fun. I think watching this has given me the courage to finally dump Ross.” One of the girls in the other group interjected.

“Poor Ross, but I guess we’re watching [500 days of Summer], in the end.” Rachel commented, and the trio purchased the tickets to the movie and entered the cinema.


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