Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 2 8

The Days Part 2

Translators: Frostfire10, Henet

Three days had passed since Jircniv had guided him around the mansion.

And in that time, countless matters had been settled. The placing of furniture, the positioning of his hidden subordinates, the carving of the magical barrier for the main mansion, the acceptance of several maids from Nazarick, and the deployment of the knights that he had borrowed from Ray.

Basically, within three days, the mansion of the Archduke was ready to be lived in.

Ainz slowly reclined in a chair in his private quarters. It was a leather chair that showed no signs of strain despite his action.

Resting his legs on a footrest, Ainz felt the tension drain from his body.

This chair that Ainz had taken a liking to was not given to him by Jircniv, but something he brought from Nazarick. And he had chosen it himself.

The black leather chair was plain and simple, and he had to jump through several hoops to make it his own.

The first chair that Sebas chose was constructed from the metallic skin of the High Behemoth, but as it did not suit the colour of the room, it was changed.

Looking about the room, Ainz smiled at the quiet and simple decor.

"It is indeed quite calming."

Ainz\'s private room within Nazarick was not over the top either, but the carpet still irked him. This room was completely devoid of such objects, allowing Ainz to feel calm and tranquil.

"Sebas did not like it, but I do need at least this much."

It was not only Sebas. All the Guardians had frowned upon this room and said that the ruler of Nazarick should have a room that befitted his station. They had suggested a room that, in Ainz\'s eyes, was far too extravagant and overbearing.

And as a result of him pushing for it, he had managed to retain this room.

The Guardians would not argue over anything that Ainz had decided on. While they bowed their head in acceptance, there was no sign that they truly understood.

"However, the aesthetic sense of this world is truly strange right?"

Ainz personally believed that gaudy and tacky decorations were to be avoided, but there was the possibility that Ainz was the odd one out.

He wanted to ask for the opinion of another Japanese person. While mucking about in his thoughts, the door to his room was knocked upon.

Ainz spoke to give permission to enter.

Sebas slowly opened the door and stepped foot into the room.

"Anoch-dono has arrived to meet with you."

"Anoch? Who is that?"

Despite trying to recall the name, he found nothing. Or rather as he could not read the script of this world, he had given up on trying to memorise any long names.

Ainz probably only remembered the names of about half of the people he met.

"He is one of the Empire\'s Four Knights, the [Fierce Gale] Nimble Arc Dale Anoch."

"Ah, there was such a person."

Ainz vaguely recalled the figure of the man who stood next to him in the battlefield.

"Why did he come? More gifts?"

A small stream of gifts started slowly flowing into the mansion since the previous day. Most were congratulatory gifts from nobles. Their size ranged from small necklaces to large human-sized sculptures. It truly varied.

A normal citizen would be shocked by them, but as a man who did not understand the value of art, Ainz left everything to Sebas. And thus while he knew that he was receiving gifts, he had no clue about what sort of gifts he had received.

The most he had thought about the subject was that if it had worth, he would display it in his room.

And while he was slightly amused at the fact that there was nothing he wanted to decorate his room with, Sebas shook his head.

"No, he probably wants to introduce the maids and then guide you around the capital."

"Is that so!"

Ainz\'s voice was filled with excitement.

Exploring the capital was something that Ainz was looking forward to.

Despite it being more than two months since he had come to this world, he had yet to visit a city. An unknown world, and an unknown culture. The excitement tugged at his heartstrings, but due to safety considerations, he was unable to sate his curiosity, but now the time was approaching.

If he was made to wait any further, even if he were to be scolded by Jircniv, he would have gone to explore in secret. Ainz\'s mood quickly improved.

However, his face immediately fell.

"….I would be great if the emotional stabilisation did not occur when I feel happy…. Well, it\'s fine. Call him in."

"Understood. What should I do about the maids accompanying him?"

"Ah yes…. Have them wait at the main entrance. There are some things that they must do."

"Understood. Then I shall call for Anoch-dono."

"Yes, please do."

As Sebas left the room, Ainz began to tap on the desk with his fingers in a rhythmic manner.

He felt simultaneously excited, like a child going on a picnic, and embarrassed about his own emotions.

Sebas soon returned with Nimble.

As the door opened, Ainz heartily addressed both of them.

Nimble was about to reply with a bow, but he hesitated for just an instant.

"Is something wrong, Anoch-dono?"

"N, no, may I please inquire about your face, Archduke?"

Ah, Ainz smiled in understanding.

Standing up, Ainz walked over to Nimble and reached out his hand.

"Shall we shake hands?"

Nimble showed signs of confusion, but Ainz ignored that and thrust his hand out even further. Understanding he had little choice, Nimble did the same. The moment they were about to shake hands, Nimble\'s face crumbled in fear.


Screaming in revulsion, Nimble retreated several steps backwards. His face was shaken in shock and his eyes were pried open.

This was to be expected. The moment their hands met, his hand slipped inside and touched bone.

"T, that was."

"A simple illusion."

Ainz shook his hand and replied.

"In reality, this hand has no flesh nor skin. My face is the same."

Ainz placed his hand on his face.

It was a normal face with flesh and skin. However, his hand sunk halfway into his face.

"I thought that this would be best to look about the city."

"I, I see. That face is as you say. My apologies, Archduke. I was in a panic."

"No, there is nothing to worry about. I believe you have realised this, but there will be a problem if I am touched. So please pay attention to this as you guide me around."

"Understood. I promise that I will not let anything block the Archduke\'s illusion. However, it is indeed splendid. That ugly appearance will definitely not attract any unwanted attention."

"….I see…. I can feel relieved that my assumptions were not wrong."

Ainz felt somewhat sad, and as he caressed his bony face, he looked at Nimble.

A handsome man.

Or rather the average beauty of this world\'s inhabitants was unusually high. In the parade, he had given cursory glances to the populace, but he had seen many humans who in his original world would have appeared on TV.

And in contrast, Ainz\'s illusion was far below average and Nimble\'s correct evaluation was devoid of malice.

However, the important matter was that he did not stick out in the capital. As that was the aim, his selection was not wrong. Indeed, it would be foolish to make a visage that stuck out.

Healing his fragile heart with those thoughts, Ainz spoke to Nimble.

"Then could you please introduce me to the maids?"

The maids lined up in the entrance hall. The nobles who had listened to Jircniv sent maids in order to build relations with Ainz, and all of them were young and beautiful women.

They were so beautiful that the guards that Ainz borrowed from Ray were still able to gawk at them from beneath their helms despite being in front of such a powerful person like him.

But the thought process of Ainz, who looked at them one by one, was simple.

"I see, I see."

That was it.

If in fact, Ainz\'s primal desires showed itself, he would have thought of more inappropriate words. However as Ainz felt no such desires, the 14 maids lining up before him were mere staff members. As long as they did their job properly, he felt that there were no issues.

And since they were chosen, they should have a minimum standard. Then Ainz had absolutely nothing to say.


"Now, Anoch-dono."

"Yes! How are they, Archduke?"

"I shall show you something interesting. I will be overjoyed if you enjoy it."

Ainz smiled.

Seeing Nimble being assaulted by an unknown fear caused Ainz to make a cruel smile.

Looking away, Ainz\'s gaze fell on the knights.

The knights knew nothing about the true face hiding behind Ainz\'s mask and illusion. They seemed to be energetic and at ease as if nothing had happened recently.

Even if it was a person who committed a massacre, as long as their face was banal, anyone\'s fears would subside.

They need to know that underestimating me is a mistake.

Ainz muttered this under his breath and plastered a bright smile onto his face.

"I do have to emphasise something."

Ainz faced the maids again.

The maids, understanding that something was about to occur, attempted to remain stoic, but their eyes betrayed their fear. Seeing this, Ainz\'s smirk deepened—

"<Mass Dominate Person>"

—And he cast a spell.

His targets were the 14 maids standing in front of him.

The spell immediately took effect, and he completely controlled the maids\' consciousnesses. The light in their eyes dimmed, and the maids who had lost their free will were completely under Ainz\'s dominion.

"Now, let us begin. Those of you who have been ordered to investigate me and to leak information, raise your hands."

The maids raised their hands.

Ainz smirk turned into a sneer at this. In contrast, Nimble\'s expression froze. Several of the Battlemaids showed signs of hostility in their eyes.

"I had asked Fluder about this, and while there are protective measures against charm spells, there are few that can defend against Domination or Marionette spells. The necklace that Jircniv is wearing…. Right? That is special…. That blocks off certain mental-type spells…. But this was a good case study right?"

Nimble remained silent and stared at Ainz. Reading his expression, Ainz\'s smile deepened.

"Oh dear your face is pale Anoch-dono. If you are feeling tired would you like to rest somewhere?"

"N, no I am fine."

"By the way, after the spell ends, they will remember what occurred. And thus you cannot collect information using charm spells. It will be dangerous if you cast this on someone who can still speak. But…."

Sensing that Ainz was about to do something radical, Nimble\'s breaths become flustered.

"It seems that Nimble understands. Then let us begin. Those who have not raised their hands, please leave the line and stand there."

Three of the maids left the line to head towards the location Ainz indicated.

"Eleven. Is this a lot? And there is something I must ask, Anoch-dono."


"I can still hear you even if you do not shout that loud, right?"

"I, It is as you say, Archduke. My apologies."

Ainz gently spoke to the terrified and trembling Nimble.

"Then tell me. Is it a part of the Empire\'s rules to send maids in to collect information about nobles? It is as if they are spies."

"Th, that is certainly not the case, Archduke. A, and it is certainly not the case that His Majesty the Emperor had ordered the nobles to send the maids to collect the information!"

Ainz sent a cold gaze towards the shouting Nimble.

"But, this is the result."

"Ah, ah…. Pl, ease, please wait a moment Archduke! Your anger is justified, but please please calm down. Allow me to apologise for the rudeness that disgraced the Archduke! Please, please grant us your forgiveness!"

Seeing Nimble prostrate himself as if he were pleading to a god, Ainz lost interest in him and looked away.

Nimble\'s face immediately fell.

To Nimble who had seen the massacre of the Katze Plains, there was nothing more terrifying than this. Depending on the severity of Ainz\'s rage, that hell might fall upon the Empire itself.

Nimble could clearly envision it in his head and so fervently apologised in order to soothe Ainz\'s anger even just a little.

"I had no knowledge of this! His Majesty is the same! It is something that a few foolish nobles did! Please forgive us!"

"Ah, I understand."

Nimble could not understand what Ainz was saying. That was how half-heartedly it was said.

"Don\'t make such a strange face. I just want to confirm this, and will not punish those who are not related to this mishap."

Ainz looked away from the relieved Nimble and gave an order to the maids raising their hands.

"I order those of you who are raising their hands. Say this to those who ordered you to collect information on me in my home. [If you do not prostrate yourselves before me and beg for forgiveness, this will be your fate]. Afterwards, slit your throats with a knife. Solution!"

"Yes, Ainz-sama."

"Prepare knives for several people. No need for anything special. However, choose ones that cut well."

"Understood. I shall prepare them immediately."

"Excellent, now go."

As his order left his mouth, Solution left immediately.

The expression of those remaining froze again. There were those from Nazarick who thought that this was natural, and the residents of the Empire whose faces were drained of blood.

Ainz sent a cold gaze at Nimble.

Nimble trembled as if shot. Ainz put on a wry smile and asked him in a calm manner.

"Is there a problem? Of course, if there is a law about how to treat spies I shall follow that but…."

"I am not so well-read on the subject, but I believe that there is a related law within the law code of the Empire."

Nimble racked his brains in a panic to determine what was the most suitable way to punish the nobles. If they were not given the most severe of punishments, Ainz\'s rage would not subside.

"Then we shall have those nobles pay restitution for this act."

Nimble was about to speak in order to answer Ainz\'s question. However, the words could not leave his mouth. And the reason for that was that Ainz\'s atmosphere drastically changed and he was emanating a bare hostility that crawled over Nimble\'s skin.

"Do not underestimate me, human."

And with those threatening words, the temperature of the wide room fell several degrees.

"They are challenging me in my own house. Me, the supreme ruler of the Underground Great Tomb of Nazarick. I will have them taste the fruits of their own foolishness. There are things that I can overlook and these I cannot. I hope my opinion on this matter is crystal clear."

Under such heavy pressure, even Nimble could only stammer.

"T, that\'s right. They are truly heinous."

"Tell Jircniv. There might be a few noble houses disappearing over the next few days. I hope he understands."

"U, understood. I will definitely convey this message."

"Ainz-sama, I have brought over what you requested."

Solution who just returned was not holding any blades. But Ainz, who knew her true form, understood where the items were stored.

"Very good. Distribute it to them. "

"As you command."

One by one, the maids received their knife from Solution. The knife looked as if it sprouted out from Solution\'s hand.

It seemed to be a magic trick, but it was not due to any theatrics. As a slime, Solution stored the knives within her own body.

After distributing all the knives, Solution faced Ainz and bowed.

Ainz nodded in response before directing his gaze towards the rest of those present there, especially the knights. Their faces were dyed white in fear. Their relaxed attitude, prior to knowing the true colors of the Ainz, evaporated completely.

Now they truly understood how terrifying he could be.

Ainz felt pleased over the fact that he did not even need to use his special skills to achieve his objective. It was sufficient with some verbal command and theatrics. He then commanded the maids.

"Go. Tell your foolish masters the outcome of those who displease me."

Ainz returned to his room with Solution following him from behind. It would be too conspicuous if he was wearing his usual outfit. Hence, he changed into something more suitable for his tour.

Since the design was not complicated to the point that he could not put it on himself, Ainz felt it was perfectly fine for him to return to his room alone.

But as a ruler, such an act was not permitted.

Ainz was curious as to who decided that having followers shadowing oneself was a must.

It was unsettling to have someone following him closely from behind and he wanted to convey this to Sebas as well.

But if he said those words, it would be likely that he would not be able to maintain his image as an absolute ruler.

Ainz\'s high level of knowledge came from manga and television, but now that he was thinking about it, he noticed that it was a common occurrence. And the NPCs that his past friends made did not have these aspects written into their setting.

Usually, it was Sebas that would follow behind Ainz, but as he was currently bringing the remaining maids to the side manor, Ainz chose Solution to replace him.

It was a mere coincidence that he chose her, and so as he pondered whether he made the right decision, he turned to ask Solution.

"What is it, Solution? You can speak your mind."

Solution was hesitant, as evident by the confusion that developed within her own steps.

She continued to walk silently for a few more paces. Then steeling herself, Solution asked Ainz.

"Allowing the maids to deliver the message was undoubtedly a wise decision. But if Ainz-sama wanted those fools to pay the appropriate price, you would only have to order us. Wouldn\'t it be better that way?"

"….It was only a threat."

Ainz stopped walking and faced her.

He let out a wry smile—although it was just a change in the intensity of the red light coming out from his eye sockets—and began his explanation.

"Let\'s say that there is a maid who wants to meet me while holding a knife. WOuld you let her do so without any questions?"

"It would definitely be impossible…."

As Solution reached her realisation, Ainz continued onwards.

"As you have surmised, they would definitely confiscate the knife and handle the person appropriately. Without the knife, the maids would not be able to complete their orders. People under the effect of the spell lose their ability to think. The maids will also struggle to take back the knife. Throughout this process, the effect of my spell will eventually diminish as time passes."

Ainz loosened up his shoulders as he explained.

Although he had the ability to extend the duration of any spells, he did not use it.

"After the spell effect had elapsed, the maids who were under the effect of the magic would explain to their masters about what I\'ve done. I wonder what sort of attitude will their master adopt when they know the truth? How about it? This might be a good way to threaten them."

"It is as you say."

If Ainz was serious, he could have ordered the maids to commit suicide instead. His order could be achieved with just a slight tweak. Although, he was not so cold-hearted to the point he would order the deaths of those maids whom were merely acting under orders.

It would be inaccurate to say that he did not feel any form of compassion towards the maids. Just that he did felt that they were pitiful.

They should resent having such foolish masters.

And their actions could change drastically with just that mere idea.

Like a human that would not develop any sense of closeness to ants, Ainz the undead would not feel any form of kinship with humans.

Ainz realised his scant attachment to humanity was only a remnant of his human persona, Suzuki Satoru. The residue were most focused on protecting his legacy, the Underground Great Tomb of Nazarick and its denizens.

Ainz took no pleasure in torturing people

He did not feel the need to purposely step on Ants blocking his way nor did he feel the need to avoid them.

If such a need rose or he was too lazy to change his path, he would not feel any hesitation nor emotions.

Only the outcome mattered. Ainz was not particularly interested in taking the life of the maids as long as the message of his threats were delivered through his magic. Whether the maids survived or not, it did not matter as long as they served their purpose.

If Ainz wanted to use magic to intimidate them, there were many other spells which he could have used. In truth, there was a another reason as to why he let those maids return.

"Furthermore, if the returning maids were assassins that possessed hidden weapons, it would be likely that they would utilize those to complete my orders. As long as we closely observe the fate of those who returned, we\'ll be able to guess their identities. Solution, depending on the situation, I will have more work for you."


Looking at Solution who was bowing with eyes full of respect, Ainz feel elated at the success his scheme which he had spent several days concocting.

Other than the reasons that he explained earlier, there was a third reason.

It was to test out to what extent can he ignore the Empire\'s laws.

Since Ainz received his nobility by Imperial law. And as a noble, there was the possibility that he could be asked to concede. Of course, it would be unacceptable to decline it, and so he needed to discover the fine line to walk on.

Hence, he discussed the matter with Nimble. Ainz was trying to force the other party to accept his will. In short, this was a gamble for Ainz to the limits of the Emperor.

The result was—

He completely miscalculated. Worrying any more about this would be paranoia.

Ainz could only laugh wryly at his own miscalculation.

It seemed that the Empire had no intention to bind him to its law.

He had considered sparing the maids but there was the possibility that the repercussions could come back and haunt him. He might as well clean up everything right at the beginning. He now had to deal with those who saw the fate of those betrayers. No matter the outcome, it would be unlikely they themselves would try to do anything sinister.

Ainz chortled at the idea and continued walking.

He already lost his interest on the subject and only wanted to enjoy the upcoming tour.

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