Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 2 10

The Days Part 3

Translator: Frostfire10

“This is the centre of the Imperial Capital, the city square.”

“Hoo, it looks amazing.”

Next to the Imperial Palace, the epicentre of the Capital, was a large open square.

Ainz was probably brought here first as it would be the most useful to him. Looking about, Ainz breathed out a sigh of admiration.

It was a grand scene.

Looking right and left, he could see countless stands line the streets, selling a variety of items. Sweet smells from the counters floated about in the air, assaulting the noses of passersbys who could not help but stop for a look.

It was a place filled with the Empire’s vitality.

While it certainly paled in comparison to the business districts in Japan or any large city, but it was filled with a festival-like air, and Ainz could strongly experience the fact that he was in another world.

As he looked about at the citizens walking pass, Ainz whispered to Nimble.

“It seems that we have attracted quite the attention.”

The gazes coalescing on Ainz and co. were many, almost as if everyone present were looking at them. And if they strained their ears, they could hear that they were the topic of conversation for many of the shopkeepers.


Nimble agreed, and Ainz looked at their outfits.

Ainz was dressed as a commoner, and his body was covered in an illusion. Any cursory glances would merely reveal that he was a simply peasant. In comparison, Nimble was decked in leather armour and a sword hanging by his waist, a relatively common sight in the Empire.

Considering their appearances, the number of gazes on them was abnormal.

However, the reason why they were the centre of attention was right behind them.

“As expected of Ainz-sama. Despite not doing anything, the nobility emanating from your body is attracting the attention of the masses.”

“That is certainly the case. Weaklings such as humans will fully understand the great strength of Ainz-sama.”

Ainz silently looked at Nimble.

Nimble silently looked back at Ainz.

Their minds were in complete agreement.

It’s because of you two!

Ainz was dressed as a commoner. Nimble was in leather armour. Between the two of them, it would be Nimble who would attract attention. If one was a strong warrior, people’s eyes would gather. However, even if they did, those gazes would soon leave.

Yes, that would be the case. If: Solution Epsilon and Narberal Gamma were not here.

Two women who could be described as world class beauties. And the two they were following were seemingly normal men.

It was a pairing that would attract the attention of any human.

Especially when they were here in this open area.

“Hmm. I would like to ask you two a question, why are you here?”

“It is natural for a maid of Ainz-sama to stay by his side.”

“To protect Ainz-sama.”

“….Firstly Solution. I believe I informed you that there was no need to follow. And Narberal. I said that since Anoch-dono was here there would be no problem right? Or is there some special meaning in having those weaker than me protect me?”

Keeping their bright smiles on their faces, they kept their mouths shut. It was a clear refusal to respond.

Looking at the two of them, Ainz heaved out a loud sigh.

“Apologies, Anoch. Allow us to continue on with them.”

“I, is that acceptable?”

“I feel that even if I tell them otherwise, they will still refuse….”

“I, is that so?”

Towards the wryly smiling Nimble, Solution calmly spoke.

“If the master has made a mistake, it is the duty of their subordinate to stop them, even if it costs them their lives.”

“I believe Solution’s words are an exaggeration, but I have no desire to lose such a wonderful place to work.”

Silence fell for but an instant. Ainz then shrugged his shoulders as if he had given up on them.

“Oh dear, Narberal is such a bitter girl.”

Nimble once again, made a wry smile.

“It is simply the truth, Ainz-sama. Following the powerful Ainz-sama will be extremely safe.”

“That is an overstatement, Narberal.”

Solution and Narberal. The two, for an instant, glared at each other, but soon separated. However, their spirits still battled between them, sending sparks into the air and clouding Ainz and Nimble’s faces.

“Well, anyway!”

Nimble raised his voice and enthusiastically spoke to Ainz.

“Is it fine for us to begin our tour from here?”

“Ah, of course!”

Ainz enthusiastically responded.

“And seeing this marketplace will be of great help to me. And my curiosity is indeed peaked.”

Ainz was not lying.

This market square filled with goods stimulated his curiosity.

For example, there might be foodstuffs that Ainz had no knowledge of, that did not exist in Japan. What flavour did that elongated watermelon-like fruit have? Was that potato-like vegetable used in a similar manner to a potato? Was that thing that really looked like a grape identical to the grape in his world?

Not only that.

That shop selling cloth, that shop selling decorations, that really suspicious looking shop. All of them were new, and all of them shone in his eyes.

Ainz was currently like a person who had gone overseas for the first time; he was extremely excited in this city square.

“Then rather than standing here to merely look, shall we split up and explore?”

“That is a wonderful idea. If we take a close look, we might make some interesting discoveries.”

Ainz’s gaze fell on the many people conducting their business. If one considered his security, this was not a good idea. However, Nimble gave a simple response.

“There shouldn’t be a problem. While it would be a good idea if you were dressed as Archduke, your current figure should not pose a problem.” Nimble’s gaze flickered to the two beauties. “Well, you will still attract attention, but no one should recognise you as Archduke. And I shall keep my helmet on, and so the probability that anyone would recognise me is low. With the above points, I believe that there should be no problem.”

“I see…. Then Anoch-dono. I have been requested by Jircniv to limit the extent to which I use my powers in the Capital. As such, should the time come, I will be relying on you.”

“Of course, even if I have to give up my life, I shall protect you. And so, Archduke, please enjoy yourself.”

“I look forward to it…. Then shall we begin, Solution, Narberal.”

As Ainz threw himself into the well of activity, he found himself overwhelmed by the passion and energy surrounding him.

The shouts of shopkeepers to passersby, the laughter of the citizens, the persuasive sales pitches. And the occasional brutal threat.

It was as if this was a microcosm of the Empire’s prosperity.

With drunken footsteps, Ainz traversed the countless stands to gaze at their contents and held a deep interest in what they were selling.

Anyone who looked at him could tell that he was fully engrossed in what he was doing.

“Hmm. Amazing. Truly amazing.”

“….It is great that you are enjoying yourself.”

“From the bottom of my heart.”

In contrast to the bright and happy Ainz, a dark and gloomy voice could be heard.

“It was a bit tiring.”

It was Narberal. Certainly, she was the most likely candidate for saying such a thing.

Since there were two beauties accompanying them, many people let them through easily, sensing that they were special. So they did not have to push through the crowd. However, Ainz was driven by curiosity and walked continuously without rest.

An undead like Ainz would not tire, but a Doppelganger and magic caster like Narberal had a weak constitution. And so it was natural that exhaustion would begin to trouble her.

“It’s true—”

“….Then you should not have come in the first place.”

Before Ainz could say anything, Solution cut him off with curt and cold words.

The two women glared at each other, but before they could do anything else, Ainz harshly scolded them.

“Put an end to this nonsense. You are making fools of yourselves.”

The sight of two gorgeous women glaring angrily at each other was very interesting scene to the passersby, many of whom were glancing over at them. Ainz shook his head and began to walk ahead.

After a few moments, Ainz slowed his steps as they left the square. He then spoke to Nimble.

“I would like to eat a juicy fruit. It will quench our parched mouths in this strong sun.”

Sensing that Nimble did not fully understand his question, Ainz grimaced and looked towards the two maids. The two were still in a cold war and had kept their distance from one another.

“I see…. Then would a sweet one be better?”

“Yes. Sweetness does calm the heart down.”

“I understand. Then….”

Nimble glanced around at the surroundings.

“I believe that place would be best.”

On the other end of Nimble’s gaze was a dark green stand selling what was most probably fruit. The fruit there bore a painful resemblance to what Ainz knew as a lychee.

“That…. Seems to be a fruit.”

“That is so. It is called a rainfruit, and once you remove the skin, the inside is extremely delicious and is very popular.”

“Hoo. Then let us try some.”


Nimble walked over to the stand and soon returned with several purchased rainfruit.

Taking one, Ainz peeled the fruit according to Nimble’s instructions. The peeling method was painfully similar to what Ainz knew of lychees.

It’s flesh was a strong pink colour, and the scent was very sweet, without any hint of citrus. The juices rose up from within and dripped out of the fruit, similar to how drool might fall out of one’s mouth.

“Hmm. It seems delicious. However, eating this alone would probably give us an upset stomach.”

“Well, it is a fruit afterall.”

“I believe that there was a shop from earlier that was selling delicious-looking meat skewers.”

Despite it being almost mumbled out, Narberal’s voice cut cleanly through the air.

Ainz let out a small sigh.

“….Then shall I purchase some?”

“Yes, Solution. Please do.”

“No! May I please request that Solution-sama remain here.”

Seeing Nimble begin to panic, Ainz spoke to him in an apologetic manner.

“Apologies for this, but may I please leave this to you. I apologise for my selfish subordinates.”

“No, that is not true. Now, I shall return immediately.”

The gazes that the three of them sent towards the retreating back of Nimble was extremely cold.

Frostfire10: Do Japanese not like lychees or something? I grew up with them and they’re delicious.

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