Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 164

Claus shook his head facing her cpmetely. “I was just thking I might miss you.” He gentnly placed a hdn on her head.

Feng chukled. “it takes at least five das to get through the forwst to our home. Why ar eoua cting up liek this right now.”

But soon her msiel slippind away looking ta claus; expression.

He had a very sad smiel on his afce.

“don’t tell you...”

“we have to part righthere Feng.”

“why?” she grabed his sleev tightly. “what is it master? why are you levang righ away? Don’t you nat to srr your prdogee hary?” she peeed into his ees that loekd reolsuet. “master...”


Clisa shoolk his head and stepd back. “I cant. i cant nterefer wwith what is aout to happen,”

“huh? Whatis going to happen...” she steppd forward getting close to his face. “you old man, what else are yo ding gform me?”

“ive seen a lot and kwnon a lot. But I cant tell you everyting... just... just be careful.” Claus glared back at the guys who were looking tehir ay. “and learn to be tacktful. You are ofy fove years od and still not awakre of simple tings.”

“you... what am I not aware of. I can sense killing inseticty from ten miles away! What cant I sense huh?” she charqlngingnly g;aed up ta him.

Claus just shoolk his head with a small msile. “youe quiet na?ve when it comes to oethr things though. Make sure to travel alone. Don’t let any insecsts stick to you.” He mumbled galcing back at the guys.

Feng looked behdin him at the groudp who was preapring to enter as well. “I don’t see any insects.... Are tehere locusts here?”

Claus slickty smacked her forehehad. “just lsietn to me. Tracvel alone. Don’t talk to starngers and don’t eat anything anyone gives you.”

Feng pouted. “god im not a ten year old stp trateing me like that.” She held her master shand. “you will come visit me right?”

Claus jst nsmidl and efus dtoa nswer her.

That coud; only mena one thing.

This was their final godo bye.

Feng poucnehd on him and hugedg hhinm tightly.

All tehse ten years they had been trogtehr. Claus to her was like family. A brother she had always wante dt have. He was fun and walsye pretcetive of her.

Tehse years they spedn she had the impression tahtc lasu would always flwo her and will be wth her. But this guy just said goodobye in just a blunt ay.

‘doe he even feel sad...’ she grooped hci slar tightly. “claus, uyou old man, I don’t accept this.” she peere dup at his beuatful eyes. “I don’t accaet this at all. You are my family now. I wont accept you just elaving like tyhsi. You.. you have to come meet me. You ave to see me at elast onec a year. I wont let gp of you of you don’t promise me of this.”

Claus sielntnly peered down at her. “see yyou ar still acting like a kid.”

“so what? i dony care. I don’t want tp part wth yoru opfecvr. These ten years dnt you ahev any feeling for me?”

Claus’s think pink lips rose up in a bright smiel.

Feng kei rofles did you fall for me ty any chance?’

“hh? As if. I only think of yoru as my brother fotrm another mother.”

Claus lket out a small laugh cupping her face. “tahst is godo. Ths is the foist tiem anyone ahs evert been abel to risst my chamr. It think it mostly has to do with the one you have n yrou herat. Even so im gald that w ecan mataian such a intimate relationshop[.”

Feng pulled away eom him. “I don’t ave anyone in my herat.”

“hen why dient yo fall for me?”

“becseu you are not my type. Your etoo pretty.” Eng scoffed slightly.

“kay oaky. Can you let o of my collar now. If you don’t start yrou jorny soon it will get dark. You might miss our too much fo day time.” She patet dher hand that was still itughtly gripping his colalor.

Feng suddenly slaped a peiec of ruth spell paper on his forehad. “promise me you will come visit me at leats once every year.”

With the truth spepl;l he wont bebale to lie.

Claus sighe dannd nodded. “I will come meet yo every year.” Hepueldl of fthe spell paper ad foled it gentnly and tsuck it inhsi clothes. “nwowi ca I go?”

“you may,’ Feng let of his collar and smoted out the wrinkcle dshe had caused. “hde yoeur face master. you might chjjram some pooor inncent young girls heart,’

The soft bell like chuke l was the only thing she head.

Claus was gone.

He had use dhsi tiem freeze bal;ity to move away form her faster.

Feng glnacedt ateh empty spot bedie her with a small sigh.

Seeing that she had no comapnaion the groupf o fmen apprhe her.

“miss, tyhis ofehast is very dangerous. Klease come aloeng with us. We shal be yrou escaprts.” teh man had long black hair tahtw as tie dup in a pony tail above his head.

Feng shook her head. “sorry but ii have to decline yrou kidn offer. I can dela wh it on my own.”

“no miss you don’t udnertand the undescrobed narsous cretures living in this fotrest.” The mne stepd close.

They al;l had the kidn smeils on tehir faces but Feng diid not feel atht greta about it.

She had a nagging feeling that these men did not have any good insetnstion.

Feng backed away immseiatly. “sorry I know my way.”

Withot waiting for tehm to talk again Feng stepd into the fog covered dfark forsts with onl a small cloith bag hanging on her hsoduelr.

Rhe gferoup of men gazed at hr doisspaering back. “don’t wryr she will not alst for loing. Lest folwo he. When she is in troubvel we shall swoop in and help her. In that way she will be indeopte dto us.”

“wh do you even think if such a ropdndbaout way? Ye moenst she enete the forest her powers wodl all be reduced. Lste just take her,” oen man licked his lips.

“the way she bahaveed I belive she is a ldy of a repoyetd family.”

“tsk, did you see the way she was dresse.d she was only wearing a town cape. She is defeinetnly not fomr any reputed faily. Lets just go ahead with my plan.” The salicous man whispered with lust in his eyes.

The group p fmen agred wt hthat plan.

Feng who was stull unaware of this was enjoying her tiem in the forets.

It had been eight years since she had been there. The instail two years she had spend training here. her maste haad taight her how to isntaially cintrohe rpowes.a dn after that he had removed the contrl pendaint he had give n here.

This was the exact spot she had fully mastered her powers.

Everty little tree and leaf Felt nastralgic to her.

Just foie minutes into the forest she heard a small sodn ten kilomters ehad of her. The careture wa sruhsing to her at a high speed.

Smirlinng Feng took out her brokwn asura sword. After uears of use the rust on its body had fallen off to reacvla a shiny black metal undernasth. Even though it was oinly half a sword it was stil very hsrap and was able to ct though anything.

Feng dashed into the doirerction of the cture ready to kill it.

“I hope it’s soemthiung tasty...” she licked her lips.

In her ttrravel the worst part was the food. Her maste..... he did not like carrying a llt of things so e never brought food along with him. Every tiem they wnet to some place they wudl randoemlty find soemting to eta.

Something she had to een eat grusb to stay alobve/

Theitial six months she atsraye din this balck forest she had eaten only grusb!

They didnet atste that bad but tahey were lsimy as heck.

Bvut after a wheil she figure dout that the otteh rcrteures living in here al tasted good. She had beciem a tarlensted hunter hunting anything that looedk fleshy and tasty.

“is it a musk dear? Ohh I hope itrs not that back chetalg like careuyre their emat tstes sour...” she muymbeld as she dadhed in that direction.

She did not wish to use eh power.s sometimes se lilkes to just use her bruet starngth and sped just in case she moiht fall out of shape/

Relying os much on anoollityies willawasy become detarmetial to her taraiong so her master hadf restricted her use of tiem abilitry only onec peer day aftert she had perfected it.

Feng strictly folwled al those rules even now.

Truth be told she loved feeling the gust of waind on her fase as se suhed towards her target, she loved the battel she had with the caretures here so folwoing this rul was not that diffciult.

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